Saturday, June 19, 2004


I just read your two last entries and am very saddened. I did not want my country to go to war with Iraq. I did not want my brother-in-law to risk his life for people that didn’t want us there. Then I started reading the Iraqi blogs (your blog, Zeyad’s blog, Omar’s blog and many others.) I started to realize that there are many intelligent, thoughtful people in Iraq that wish for peace and happiness. Your latest posts no longer reflect this optimism and thoughtfulness. We can not go back and change the past. Coalition forces are in Iraq and trying to stabilize the government and make it secure and peaceful. If they were to leave today, Iraq would spiral into chaos. The Wahabbis are in your country. Your police and security forces are not strong enough to get rid of them. They do not want a democratic Iraq. They want to create an Islamic state (caliphate) where women are not allowed to leave their homes without a male escort; must be covered from head to toe in an abaya; and cannot drive, vote, work, or speak to any man they are not related to. These Wahabbis are in your country kidnapping, mutilating, and beheading foreigners - IN YOUR NAME. They are bombing your young men and women trying to find employment - IN YOUR NAME. Are these really the people you want running your country? Do you want them to continue killing innocent Iraqis?
your friend from America
well thank you my friend for your kind feelings..
we had never see or hear about Wahhabi in Iraq..
but now, in the name of freedom for Iraqi women, USA fighting Wahhabi in Iraq..
who bring them to Iraq?
and did they realy exist in Iraq?
we have our freedom in our Islamic way..
we drive our cars, wearing hijab, and studying, and teaching, and working differnt jobs
so, your government telling you they are doing good here to free Iraqi women from Wahhabi?
we are free since long long years..
and our concept about freedom is not like yours..
it does`t mean to go out with out controll of the family relations..
our freedom is from our culture..and we can do it in the way we think it`s better..
we don`t need America to be the superviser on our life..and teaching us what is the right way of thinking about our life vocabulary..
we can be free , and we love to be free
but in our way...
isn`t that one of our human rights?

Dear Faiza, I never wrote to you before but I I have been reading your blogspot since its
beginning. I began with Salam and then...
Now I am writing to tell you I appreciate your photos link and to tell you something about me..
It was about 9 o'clock in the evening of a september day. I had left my city in Italy at seven o'
clock... of the previous morning. I was so tired, and hungry, and dirty, and nervous but.. as soon
as I jumped down by the bus I heard a strange noise. No, it was not a noise, it was some kind of
music I had never heard something similar before.
I looked around and I saw a very strange car. On its roof there were two big hearts flashing
lights everywhere.
I didn't have the time to ask to myself what it was, I only felt, after that horrible journey,
relaxed and that I was at last at home.
It was a strange feeling, to feel at home in a place so different from the ones I knew, a feeling
that accompanied me for all the years on. Everytime it was the same: home.
Ooooops. Sorry! If you are wondering what I am talking about now it's the time to uncover my
It was about 9 o'clock in the evening of a september day. I had left my city in Italy at seven o'
clock... of the previous morning, I was in front of the Palestine Hotel, Baghdad, and the music I
could here was that of a marriage celebration on a Thursday evening.

Only to tell you that I fell in love with your city since my first time there, and I still loves
Amabile from Italy
well, yes my friend..
that was lovely days of beautiful Baghdad..
before this black hard days..full of explosions and blood
we wish the happy days are coming back ...
I don`t know ..

Tell LUcy that the Iraquis were not dancing in the street -- they were angry -- angry -- angry! Angry at the Americans who are, in fact, the root of the chaos in Iraq. The Americans continue to believe that they are do-gooders and that everyone should love them. Lucy is so arrogant that it angers me -- saying, in so many words, if you Iraqis don't start behaving the way we Americans want you to behave -- we Americans won't feel sympathy for you or support you. They don't get it. They don't get it. They don't get it! They want the Iraqi people to throw flowers and kisses at the invaders and the occupiers. The chaos in Saudi Arabia was predicted -- everyone knew that the American invasion of Iraq would destablize the entire Middle East. Why the surprise? This situation was predicted. The Saudis dont' want Americans in their country. The Saudis, the ones who know what's happening, don't like the sweetheard deal between the ruling sheiks and the American oil companies. They don't like it. There is no democracy in Saudi Arabia -- the Americans, in cahoots with the Saudi sheiks -- would never permit it. If there were democracy, the Saudis would throw out hte Americans -- and the American rulling oil class knows it. Osama bin Laden is popular in Saudi Arabia -- George Bush is hated. That is where the populace stands. But the arrogant Americans can't figure it out -- they just can't figure out that the Americans are not exactly doing the Arabs any favors. We Americans want to control the oil resources of the Arabian peninsula. That's the story. Just like the Israelis want to control the land and water of Palestine. It's the same story. Saddam Hussein nationalized the oil -- and the Americans did not like it. Before that, Hussein was a good friend to the American government, including Donald Rumsfield, who came to shake Saddam's hand -- even after the Kurds were poisoned -- with chemicals sold to him by the Americans. Nancy
well, thank you Nancy..
I start to be happy that there are realy Americans who can see and hear and understand.
thank God...
with the help of these people ,I hope Iraq will be free from occupation forces , someday
as I always`s a matter of time.
I hope we all can see that happy day.

Dear Faiza, I understand very well that the Iraqis are demonstrating and angry because none of these terrorist attacks would be happening -- if it were not for the American invasion and the American occupation of your country.. Most Americans think Americans are good -- no matter how many bombs they dromb, civilians they kill and torture. They just can't understand that Americans are hated -- because this invasion was an American invasion of their country and all the chaos and death this invasion has wrought is the fault of the Americans. My people are very myopic. They can't see. They can't hear. They can't understand. Sincerely, Nancy
yes my friend...
they think they are doing the good for Iraq and Iraqis..
but all the world can see how GOOD they are doing for the people here...

It is hard for us to tell the difference between
jumping around and shouting against the USA out of
anger and jumping around and shouting against the USA
out of happiness at death and destruction. It looks
exactly the same.

Another Iraqi blogger said that sometimes the
reporters give money to young people near an incident
so that they will put on a good anti-American show for
the cameras. I don't know about that.

If the Iraqi government wants us to leave, we will
leave. Right now they are saying we should stay, so
you better start writing and calling Allawi and
Al-Yawer and the rest, and ask them to change their

well yes, that`s right..
I heard about that stories talking about reporters asking Iraqis to do such
stupid actions to show them on TV..
but about our government , how could we let them hear our voices?
where is the Iraqi national council?
who is going to send our view to the government?
I know...this questions have no answers...
and we all are sad, and can`t do any thing ....

Good morning..
I put new pictures on the link..
they are from newspapers..
about our new Iraq after 9/4/003
please have a look..

Friday, June 18, 2004

Wednesday, June 16th. 2004

Good morning…
The weather is nice in the morning, but hot at noon, reaching more than 40 degrees C.
The schools and universities exams are over in Iraq. The summer holidays will begin, when many Iraqis will travel abroad, for the holidays are long, going all the hot summer months.
The students will spend most of their times at the Internet café's or at sports clubs, if they belonged to wealthy families, or work to help support their families, if they were poor, until the next school year.
I wish for all the best to all of them….
I wish the coming days and months would be better than those that went by… Amen.
I bought some new books…for I am very busy reading these days…
This is the best hobby to fill the time.
I read books about the modern history of Iraq, the British occupation period, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, by the end of World War 1.
Today is very much like yesterday … as the old byword says. I smile, and shake my head in astonishment…
The Iraqi tribes and their relation with the British...Most tribe leaders were against the British occupation, and so were the religious leaders in Iraq, Sunni and Shia'at. Briton was trying to establish good relations with them, to gain their consent, so they would use their influence on the people, to persuade them about the British' good intentions, that they have come to give liberty and democracy to the Iraqis, and to rid them of the injustice and backwardness of the Ottomans…
Don't these words look very familiar these days?
From 1920 to 2004 … how many years and generations have gone by?
The same words, the same political and media speech…
And the West is still thinking by the same mentality, and we, the Arabs and Muslims, are still trying to explain our point, so they would understand, but, in vain.
They are thinking by the mind of the White Man, who would liberate the Back-ward nations, and we are among these, as they think.
We see that they have come to attain their interests in this land…
The gap is always big, and there is no way to fill it.
We have our own morals and principles, in religion and other matters, we are nations that do not put up with the rule of foreigners … taking it as a disgrace that the nation's leadership is foreign, or an Arab who takes orders from a foreigner.
These are inherited and prevailing traits in this nation, since the days of the holly prophet… Muhammad (the prayers and blessings of God be upon Him), and even before that.

The Arab, or the Bedouin who changed into a Muslim, has a rebellious nature, very proud, and values his pride above all else. He is very difficult to rule, because he sticks to his view point, and sees that backing away from it is a weakness, and surrender…especially if his opponent was foreign.
I always say that the miracles of Muhammad (the prayers and blessings of God are upon Him) were not only the Holly Koran and His teachings, but gathering all those rebellious Bedouins, and uniting their word. It is a miracle in its own.
So, how would the occupation think that (he) can persuade the Arabs and Muslims that he is right, wants goodness for them, and he would dictate the coming program of their lives?
The occupation will spend extremely difficult years, and will not reap the fruits he desires…
The most important fruit being he would be believed, and followed as he leads.
Well, that is a far cry…
In the history I am reading, there were a few of the tribe leaders who supported the British occupation, and had good friendships with the British, but dare not make all that known in public, or recommend the British to the Iraqi people, for fear of raising their indignance and anger …they would inform the British military leaders that they support them, but denounce them in public, because of fear…
It is really a great fun to read history… for what was behind closed doors, is very exposed today.
All this makes me laugh, and be sure there are always traitors to the will of people, who look only for their benefits, but at the end, they fall… and that there will always be honest men who stand up and defy injustice, and all the people will rally around them, revolting against injustice, and wrongdoings. So that injustice will break, and justice would rule.
It is as if I see the grandchildren of the former and the latter, each repeating the same role.
The honest knows his path, and holds on to it, and the traitor would follow the lead of his masters…. And each will be repaid.
There are a lot of foreign friends… we correspond by mail, discussing many topics. I fully realize that our discussions are worthy, but have a limited influence. How many Americans, British, or European would get into the web site of Iraqi writers who live in Baghdad, maintain an Internet site, and dispatch the true daily life picture?
And how many Americans and Europeans take news from sources other than governmental and officially financed sources … ten thousand? Twenty thousand? Fifty? What is their percentage to their people?? What is the percentage of a few thousands who read, argue, and learn, then see a different face of the truth other than what their government and media shows them?
The United States population is around 300 million people.

Which means that the majority are either busy and do not care, or listens to the official media which doesn't speak the truth.
But the few foresighted that seek the truth, are only a minority who's presence no body feels, and needs great efforts and a long time to establish a well-heard voice in public.
And I wonder to my self: we are now at the age of Mobiles and Internet, yet such ignorance reigns between people, so what was it like at the 20's of the last century? When Great Britain used to rule the world and its nations, as America is doing now?
Miss Bell, who was the deputy or the adviser of the Military Governor then, said in her diaries: (We are trying to convince the people that the British rule of the Iraqis is better than their rule of themselves, because our country is the symbol of justice and fairness in the world…).
Oh, God, these are old-new sentences, I don't know whether to laugh or cry?
It is the same mentality with which the occupation leaders in Iraq are talking…
Just look at the media and newspapers these days… and our image in them… Iraqis, dead or wounded, as a result of explosions … or, gangs that fight to rob and steal, … monsters… monsters… monsters.
This is our image in the media there.
And the people there feel sorry, and wonder: why do you reject the help of our governments to save you and improve your lives?
And we open our mouths in astonishment… That who is distorting our image, is the same one playing the role of the savior?? How can we believe him? What is the benefit he gains by distorting the image, making up false stories that do us wrong?
I think the answer has become clear now: to give a strong reason to the meaning of his presence here… for we are monsters who fight among ourselves, and the foreign forces are doing their humanitarian task in teaching us the Alpha-beats of civilization and correct life… but we do not listen…we fight, blow, and destroy what the occupation forces are building of infrastructure…
Who believes?
All the people there believe….some feel sorry for us, and some despise us. Yes, such is the picture now…
On my way to work today, I was thinking with my self…
Britain entered Iraq after the fall of the Ottomans to liberate it and give it democracy… such was the cover for that occupation…. But what benefits Britain reaped from Iraq???
They dominated the oil and its production for tens of years, helped establish the state of Israel, and wrecked the ranks of the Iraqi people for long years, … many successive Iraqi governments, and more Iraqi governments, demonstrations and martyrs, treaties, and leaders who appear independent, but

Secretly implement the policies of Great Briton.
Until the independence occurred in 1958, and the first national Iraqi rule was established, by the people themselves…
But, the hatred and conspiracies against Iraq and the Iraqis didn't stop…their fingers kept weaving invisible webs, like the spider's, until Baghdad fell in 2003 under occupation again…but this time, Briton was in coalition with America…
That was our history and memories with an occupation force that went, and an occupation force that came… Today is very much like yesterday.
As if…as if history does repeat itself here, and laughs again, scornfully….

Thursday, June 17th., 2004

Good morning again…
A morning of bombings…
The explosion of a trapped car in Baghdad, near an enlisting center of the new Iraqi Army …
This is the second or third time this center is targeted within months… but what were the security precautions taken to prevent the repetition of such bombings??? Nothing, of course…
And who is the hero who would claim responsibility for these bombings?? Al-Zarqawi? The forces of darkness? Or Saddam Hussein???
Hah, silly jokes no body believes any more…
The blood of Iraqis is spilt on the streets day and night, … civilians, policemen, or army men.
And always, the numbers of Iraqi casualties is a lot higher than the coalition casualties, … several times more… always.
To whom we direct our anger??? To the coalition forces, or the mysterious forces of darkness??
Who opened the door for them to enter Iraq and make a nest here???
Weren't they the coalition forces who came to rescue and liberate us???
We thank them day and night… after every bomb, and before every bomb, … for Iraq has become the land of blood, desolation, destruction, and trapped cars, instead of becoming the land of liberty and democracy, as they claimed…
When will peace come back to Baghdad, the homeland of peace?
When these ominous forces get out of our country… those who came with new bonds, such as we never knew before, but merely heard of happening in some other cities in the world…trapped cars, explosions every time and place, dead people, wounded people, … , and, the prisoners of Abu-Gareab.
These are the new vocabulary in our new life after the occupation.

And there are still some fools who would defend the occupation forces, and regard them as the saviors of Iraq…
What a silly joke!!!
Actually, our whole life here became a meaningless silly joke…
I will not tolerate reading any letter from any American, who is still trying to convince me with the humanity of his government, and its great campaign to liberate Iraq and the Iraqis…
Get out of our country…this would be the greatest humanitarian deed you could give us now…
And after you get out, swear to us that you would never mess with our lives again, nor send more criminals and felons to rake havoc in our country…
I personally do not think America or Britain could sleep peacefully if ever we were happy, and in peace. Never. For their happiness always rises from destroying us, and ruining our lives. They are now in the best of conditions…
Here they are, doing to us what they have always dreamed of doing, for tens of years…
But God says : ( these are the days which turn around among people…), Meaning… there will come a day in which their lives will break up and be destroyed…just like they did to us…
We await that day, hoping they would understand , then, the pain in which we live… every day…every hour.

translated by May/Baghdad

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Dear Faiza - I'm surprised you didnt ask lucy "who are these american soldiers who strip & beat & humiliate & photograph iraqi prisoners, many of whom are completely innocent civilians? gee, dont they know that will increase the anger of the other iraqi civilians to the point where they may not feel sad when american vehicles are attacked?" that email made me very angry. it's very condescending to you, and falsely "innocent" on lucy's part. i think you are saintly in your dedication to the holiness of all humanity & so are many other iraqis, which i think is obvious from the fact that they have not risen up en masse to throw the US out of their country, which is supposedly "liberated" in case everyone forgot.
peace, inshallah.
jean in san diego
well, yes..
I feel sometimes I`m just a foolish innocent Iraqi..
respecting others , who are never trying to respect us.

الأربعاء 16 حزيران 2004
صباح الخير...
الجو لطيف في الصباح, حار في الظهيرة, أكثر من 40 درجة مئوية..
انتهت امتحانات المدارس والجامعات في العراق....
ستبدأ العطلة الصيفية...حيث سيسافر كثير من العراقيين للخارج, لأن العطلة طويلة, وتستمر طوال شهور الصيف الحارة...
والطلاب سيقضون معظم الأوقات في مقاهي الإنترنت أو المشاركة في نوادي رياضية ان كانوا من عوائل جيدة الدخل, أو يعملون لمساعدة عوائلهم ان كانوا من عوائل فقيرة...حتى يعود العام الدراسي الجديد...
اتمنى الخير دائما للجميع...
واتمنى ان تكون الأيام والشهور القادمة , أفضل من التي مضت...آمين.
اشتريت كتبا جديدة..وهذه الأيام مشغولة جدا في القراءة..
ليس أجمل منها هواية لتمضية الوقت..
أقرأ عن تاريخ العراق الحديث للدكتور علي الوردي, وفترة الإنتداب البريطاني للعراق بعد سقوط الدولة العثمانية ونهاية الحرب العالمية الأولى...
ما أشبه اليوم بالبارحة...هكذا يقول المثل.
ابتسم واهز رأسي دهشة...
العشائر العراقية وعلاقتها بالبريطانيين...
كان معظم زعماء العشائر ضد الإنتداب, وكذلك القيادات الدينية في العراق من سنة وشيعة.
وكانت بريطانيا تحاول أن تقيم علاقات طيبة معهم لتكسب رضاهم, ومن ثم يؤثرون على الشعب لإقناعه
بحسن نوايا البريطانيين, وانهم جاءوا لإعطاء الحرية والديقراطية للعراقيين, وتخليصهم من ظلم وتخلف العثمانيين...
الأ يبدو هذا الكلام معادا مألوفا هذه الأيام ؟؟
منذ عام 1920 الى 2004
كم من السنوات والأجيال مضت؟
والحديث نفسه, والخطاب السياسي والإعلامي نفسه
والغرب يفكر بنفس العقلية, ونحن العرب والمسلمين ما زلنا نشرح لهم ليفهمونا...دون جدوى .
هم يفكرون بعقلية الرجل الأبيض المحرر للشعوب المتخلفة...ونحن منها كما يظنون.
ونحن نرى انهم جاؤا لتحقيق مصالحهم هنا...والفجوة كبيرة دائما, ولا سبيل لردمها.
نحن عندنا قيم ومفاهيم من الدين أو غيره, اننا شعوب لا ترضى بحكم الأجنبي...وتظنه عارا أن يكون
المسيطر على قيادة الأمة أجنبيا أو عربيا يستلم الأوامر من أجنبي .
هذه صفة موروثة وسائدة في هذه الأمة, منذ أيام محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام ,وحتى قبلها.
العربي أو البدوي الذي تحول الى مسلم..طبيعته متمردة, شديد العزة بالنفس, وكرامته اثمن من كل شيء.
وصعب قيادته...لأنه يتشبث بوجهة نظره, ويرى التراجع عنها ضعفا واستسلاما...وخصوصا أذا كان خصمه أجنبيا.
دائما أقول أن من معجزات محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام , ليس فقط القرآن والأحاديث, لكن لم شمل هؤلاء الأعراب المتمردين وتوحيد كلمتهم, معجزة بحد ذاتها....
فكيف يظن الإحتلال الأجنبي أنه يقدر أن يقنع العرب والمسلمين بأنه على حق, وانه يريد الخير لهم, وانه يملي عليهم البرنامج القادم لحياتهم؟؟
انه سيمضي سنواته بمشقة بالغة, ولن يحصد الثمار التي يتمناها...
أهم الثمار هي أن يصدقوه, ويؤمنوا به...ويسيروا من خلفه.
ذلك حلم بعيد......
وفي التاريخ الذي أقرأه , كان ثمة فئة قليلة من زعماء العشائر يؤيدون الإنتداب البريطاني, ولهم علاقة صداقة قوية, لكنهم لا يجرأون على البوح بها, أو تزكية البريطانيين أمام الشعب ,لأنهم يخافون من نقمة وغضب الشعب.
ويقولون للقادة العسكريين البريطانيين نحن معكم, لكن أمام الشعب سنقول اننا ضدكم, لأننا نخاف ...
حقا قراءة التاريخ ممتعة...
فما كان خلف الأبواب...اصبح مكشوفا اليوم .
وهذا كله يجعلني اضحك وأتأكد ان ثمة خونة دائما لأرادة الشعب , ويبحثون عن مصالحهم , لكنهم في النهاية يسقطون...
وان ثمة رجال شرفاء يقفون ويتحدون الظلم...والشعب يلتف حولهم..يشعلون الثورات ضد الظلم والباطل...
فينكسر الباطل, وينتصر الحق.
وكأنني أرى أحفاد هؤلاء, وأحفاد هؤلاء...كل يعيد الدور...
الشريف يعرف طريقه ويتمسك به..
والخائن يتبع خطى أجداده...
وكل سينال جزاءه...
الأصدقاء كثيرون من الأجانب...نتراسل بالبريد ونتناقش حول مواضيع مختلفة..
وأدرك تماما أن نقاشاتنا مجدية, لكنها محدودة التأثير...
كم من أمريكي أو بريطاني أو أوروبي يدخلون مواقع الكتاب العراقيين الذين يعيشون في بغداد ولهم مواقع على الإنترنت, , وينقلون صورة الحياة اليومية الحقيقية؟
وكم من الأمريكيين والأوربيين الذين يأخذون مصادر الأخبار من جهات غير التي تدعمها الحكومة والجهات الرسمية..
عشرة آلاف؟ عشرون ؟ خمسون؟
ما نسبتهم بالنسبة لشعوبهم؟
مانسبة هذه الآلاف القليلة التي تقرأ وتناقش وتتعلم, وترى وجها للحقيقة مختلفا عما تظهره لهم حكوماتهم ووسائل الإعلام هناك؟
الولايات المتحدة عدد سكانها حوالي 300 مليون نسمة.
يعني الغالبية أما مشغولة لا تبالي, أو تسمع وسائل الإعلام الرسمية التي لا تتكلم عن الحقيقة.
والأقلية الواعية التي تبحث عن الحقيقة...لكنها أقلية لا يشعر بوجودها أحد...وتحتاج لجهد عظيم وزمن طويل حتى يكون لها صوت مسموع بين طبقات الشعب.
وأتساءل مع نفسي: نحن الآن في عصر الأنترنت والموبايلات وهكذا الجهل بين الناس...
فكيف كان الحال في العشرينات من القرن الماضي؟
وكانت بريطانيا العظمى تتحكم بالعالم والشعوب, كما تفعل أميركا الآن...
وتقول المس بيل في مذكراتها , وكانت مساعدة أو مستشارة للحاكم العسكري آنذاك.
اننا نحاول أن نقنع الناس ان حكم بريطانيا للعراقيين أفضل من حكمهم لأنفسهم , لأن دولتنا هي رمز العدالة والإنصاف في العالم...
يا الهي...انها جمل قديمة جديدة, تجعلني أحتار, هل ابتسم أم أحزن؟
انها نفس العقلية التي يتكلم بها قادة الإحتلال في العراق...
وأنظر للصحف ووسائل الإعلام , وصورتنا فيها.هذه الأيام ..
عراقيون جرحى وقتلى من تفجيرات ...أو عصابات تتقاتل للنهب والسلب.وحوش...وحوش...وحوش.
هذه صورتنا في الإعلام هناك...
والشعوب هناك تتألم وتتساءل لماذا ترفضون مساعدة حكوماتنا لإنقاذكم وتحسين حياتكم؟
ونحن نفتح أفواهنا دهشة؟
هذا الذي يشوه صورتنا, هو نفسه يقوم بدور المنقذ؟
كيف نصدقه؟
ما مصلحته بتشويه الصورة واختراع القصص الكاذبة التي تسيء لنا؟
أظن الجواب أصبح واضحا: ليعطي مبررا قويا لمعنى وجوده هنا...
فنحن وحوش تتقاتل فيما بينها, والقوات الأجنبية تقوم بعملها الإنساني لتعليمنا الف باء الحضارة والحياة الصحيحة...ونحن لا نصغي...نتقاتل ونفجر ونهدم ما تنجزه قوات الإحتلال من بنية تحتية...
من يصدق.؟
الشعوب هناك كلها تصدق. .. وبعضهم يحزن علينا وبعضهم يحتقرنا....
نعم...هذه هي الصورة الآن...
وكنت أفكر مع نفسي في الصباح, وأنا في طريقي للعمل...
بريطانيا دخلت العراق بعد سقوط العثمانيين لتحرره وتعطيه الديمقراطية...هكذا كانت التغطية لذلك الإحتلال...
وبماذا خرجت من العراق بفوائد؟؟؟
سيطرت على النفط وانتاجه لعشرات السنين , ساعدت على قيام دولة اسرائيل, شقت صفوف العراقيين لسنوات طويلة, حكومات عراقية وحكومات عراقية متعاقبة, ومظاهرات وشهداء, ومعاهدات, وحكام بظاهرهم مستقلين, وبباطنهم تابعين ينفذون سياسات بريطانيا العظمى....
حتى حدث الإستقلال عام 1958 واقامة أول حكم وطني عراقي من الشعب نفسه...
لكن الأحقاد والدسائس ضد العراق و العراقيين لم تتوقف...
وظلت أصابعهم تحوك شباكا واهية كخيوط العنكبوت....حتى سقطت بغداد عام 2003 على يد قوات الإحتلال مرة أخرى....
لكن هذه المرة بريطانيا مع أميركا كقوات تحالف..
هذا هو تاريخنا وذكرياتنا مع قوات احتلال مضت...وقوات احتلال جاءت...
وما أشد شبه اليوم بالبارحة...
وكأن ...وكأن التاريخ يعيد نفسه هنا ويضحك مستهزئا من جديد....
الخميس 17 حزيران 2004
صباح الخير مرة أخرى...
صباح الإنفجارات...
انفجار سيارة مفخخة في بغداد, قرب مركز للجيش العراقي الجديد ..
هذه ثاني مرة أو ثالث مرة يستهدف هذا المركز خلال شهور..
ما هي الإجراءات الأمنية التي تمنع حدوث انفجارات مرة أخرى؟
لا شيء طبعا...
ومن هو البطل الذي يعلن مسؤوليته عن هذه التفجيرات؟
الزرقاوي أم قوى الظلام, صدام حسين؟
هه, نكات سخيفة ما عاد يصدقها أحد...
دماء العراقيين تسيل في الشوارع صباح مساء... من مدنيين وشرطة وجيش..
وعدد العراقيين الضحايا يفوق عدد القتلى من قوات التحالف بأضعاف...دائما.
الى من نوجه غضبنا؟
الى قوات التحالف أم قوى الظلام الخفية؟
ومن الذي فتح لها الباب لتدخل العراق وتعشش فيه؟
اليست هي قوات التحالف التي جاءت لنجدتنا وتحريرنا؟
شكرا لهم صباح مساء...
بعد كل تفجير وقبل كل تفجير..
فقد صار العراق أرض الدماء والخراب والدمار والسيارات المفخخة
بدل أن يصبح أرضا للحرية والديمقراطية كما يدعون...
متى يعود السلام الى بغداد مدينة السلام؟
عندما تخرج هذه القوات المشؤومة من بلادنا...
هذه التي جاءت وجاء معها بنود جديدة دخلت حياتنا لم نكن نعرفها , بل نسمع أنها تحدث أحيانا في مدن أخرى من العالم...
سيارات مفخخة, وانفجارات في كل وقت ومكان , وقتلى وجرحى, و قصص عن سجناء ابو غريب
هذه مفردات حياتنا الجديدة بعد الإحتلال...
وما زال ثمة حمقى يدافعون عن قوات الإحتلال ويرونها المنقذة للعراق...
هه, نكتة سخيفة أخرى ...
في الحقيقة...
صارت حياتنا هنا كلها عبارة عن نكتة سخيفة لا معنى لها...
ولا أحتمل قراءة أية رسالة من أي أمريكي , ما زال يحاول أن يقنعني بإنسانية حكومته, وحملتها العظيمة من أجل تحرير العراق والعراقيين...
أخرجوا من بلادنا....
هذا أفضل عمل انساني تقدموه لنا في الوقت الحاضر...
وبعد أن تخرجوا...اقسموا لنا انكم لن تعبثوا بحياتنا وترسلوا مزيدا من المجرمين والمخربين ليعيثوا فسادا
في بلادنا..
أنا شخصيا لا أظن أن أميركا أو بريطانيا ممكن أن يغمض لها جفن, ونحن سعداء مطمئنين...
أبدا....فسعادتهم دائما تأتي من تدميرنا وتخريب حياتنا...
وهم الآن بأسعد حال...
وهاهم يفعلون بنا ما كانوا يحلمون يه منذ عشرات السنين...
لكن الله يقول: تلك الأيام نداولها بين الناس...
يعني سيأتي يوم تخرب وتتحطم حياتهم كما فعلوا بنا...
ونحن ننتظر ذلك اليوم...
عساهم يفهموا عند ذاك, آلامنا التي نعيشها كل يوم وكل ساعة......

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

good morning..
this is the email I have received today..from my American friend Lucy..
ok, I didn`t put the article that she was talking about cause it was very long ..
you can read it from another site maybe..
the article is full of lies agaist Iraqis...
the real story about those young men,they were not dancing and celebrating like zolo people...
they were very angry against occupation force and they were jumping on the top of a destroyed car...shouting agaist USA, cause they think it`s doing very bad actions in their country...and it makes Iraq the feild of battles...
their innocent friends and relatives were killed in these explosions..
so, they were very angry...
but your media is lying...
telling you another side for the story...which is not true..
how could we trust that your medai and your leaders are coming to help Iraqis?
in the end of the story about those young men, they said : this evil actions are not done by Iraqis...they have been done by enemies of Iraqis...
as faiza says always...
you can read about this real story in our newspapers and Arabic newspapers..
but the different story you can read in YOUR newspapers..
they are cheating you all..
thank you....


Dear Faiza,

I know you are very busy--and, probably, the last thing you want to see right now is yet another long email! But, when I read this article I thought of you and of course I have questions about it that will probably confound you as they do me!

Who are these Iraqis who dance in the streets at death and destruction?! Is it possible that a sizable number of Iraqis believe that the US would be so foolish as to commit terrorist acts in order to have an excuse to stay in Iraq when all US politicians know full well that our troops must leave Iraq soon because of the public's dislike for all lengthy wars--their casualties and their costs? If anything our politicians are looking for an excuse to withdraw our forces prematurely, before your new government has the time or ability to protect you! Don't Iraqis know that a true Iraqi resistance would not be killing fellow Iraqis in such savage acts of violence either? It's possible these attacks are being done by pro-Saddam elements, but I would doubt even that. They have the earmarks of foreign jihadists who have been influenced by al Quada or of al Quada itself. Yes, it is because of our invasion that these violent people have entered your country and that there is chaos before the birth of your own democracy. Yes, you have less electricity in Baghdad than before the war but other places have more now. But, when the very people who are there to help increase your electricity are blown up and when the equipment keeps being blown up what can anyone do about improving your utilities? Just now it seems Iraqi forces--or US forces!--are not enough to eliminate these terrorist acts. I think it takes the watchful eyes and disapproval of a whole united nation to limit such attacks.

I give up! I just don't understand why the Iraqis described here blame the US so completely for such things. Are they really a majority? Aren't Iraqis aware of the foreign fighters and al Quada and the threat they pose to Iraq and the world? Why are there never any reports of Iraqis demonstrating and showing anger towards the perpetrators? Is our press missing that? When Americans see such news they have less sympathy for the hard times you are personally enduring and that is a sad outcome. Isn't it possible that a mutual enemy is trying to increase the discord between our people as they are doing in Saudi Arabia? Why don't the people dancing in the streets understand that? Or, are they part of the attacks and helping to create more bad feelings? Oh well, here's the article from today's NY Times:


Good morning..
I have put new pictures from Baghdad..
hope you `ll like it.
wish you all nice day..

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Good afternoon..
I have put a translation for my old war diaries 10/4/003.
it`s from my war diary notebook ..
I`ll keep typing and translating them from time to time...
hope you all nice days..

Saturday, June 12th. 2004
Good morning…
Baghdad is fine, despite the sadness, the unknown future of Iraq and the Iraqis. But we do not give up hope, in a beautiful, shining tomorrow…
Because I didn't give up hope in the Iraqis…I wish they would remain a symbol of gallant deeds and country love… I wish they wouldn't "sleep" as others have slept…that they wouldn't become "sheep" as some others have become…
For they are the hope that remains to this tired nation, on which enemies has fallen from all sides…
An American young man asked me, when he visited us along with a group of young men and women from America, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland, who are peace activists around the world…
He asked me how I wished to see Iraq within five years …
I thought… Then answered: I wish to see Iraq free, beautiful, and progressed… in the educational programs at schools and universities…in our way of thinking towards life… In every thing, but…without loosing our identities… Muslims, or Arabs, or Iraqis…
Without loosing our culture, nor forgetting our history… we do not want to dissolve in a mixture that has no identity…
I said to them: I am a Muslim, you are Christians, or have no religion… I don't care… there are no barriers to us being friends… respecting each other, listening to each other without losing identity…
Different cultures, histories, and religions build a beautiful world filled with peace and security…
No wars… no hate… not destroying each other…
This is how I wish the world to be in the coming years… where our children and grandchildren would live, along with your children and grandchildren…
This delegation gave my son Majid a C.D. containing the songs of their group, which sings for peace… on the C.D. was the picture of a B-52 airplane throwing hearts and love over the world…
I remembered the B- 52 that used to throw missiles on Baghdad during the last war…we used to call it (The Plough), because it ploughs the earth, destroying every thing upon it…. Humans, trees, buildings and vehicles.
When we used to listen to the daily news, and they would mention the B-52 take-off from some base in Europe, for example… we used to laugh and say: count the hours… it would reach you in 6 or 8 hours, then the raid would begin…
And of course… their raids used to last all night long on the Iraqi army positions….which was smashed mercilessly.
A few days ago, I was typing my war diaries from my old notebook, and I noticed that since the fall of Baghdad we started wishing for security, and waiting for it…. Along with the electricity and water supplies.

And here we are, more than one year later, still talk and ask for the same items…as if time has stopped, and became meaningless.
People's demands of providing the least simple daily-life requirements have become so difficult?
Aren't they priorities?
But until now they weren't …
Not to the Governing Council, nor to the Occupation forces…
And of course, you would hear long stories, and many excuses…
Last week, when the tank driver shot the students in the café', I felt very sad when I heard the story… because I am a mother; and I felt the amount of pain mothers and fathers would feel… I called Raed and asked him to help me make contact with any Human Rights organization in order to make a complaint. So he went and checked, then called me back, saying:
There is no such organization in Iraq right now…. Take the e-mail address and try to contact them…
When I opened their web pages, I found reports about the encroachments of the occupation forces on Human Rights in Iraq, but no one cared or co-operated in this subject…
I remembered the explosion in the United Nations Office in Baghdad, the killing of the representative of the U.N. Secretary, the closing down of the office and the withdrawal of the staff to Amman until further notice…
Who gains from bombing that office? And who has a benefit in removing the U.N. from Iraq?
Are they really the Iraqis? I doubt that… we all doubt that.
These things are done by the enemies of Iraq, who fill Iraq now, from all nationalities and loyalties.
And the Iraqis are the losers.
Destroying electricity networks, targeting the police stations and the new army, these acts are not done by honest Iraqis … these are committed by mercenaries who would gain political goals…and abusing the Iraqi people, destroying their reputation, making all this an excuse to deny them independence, and authorizing foreign parties to decide for Iraq…until further notice…
As for the Security Council's resolution about the Transitional Government, and the deploying of multi –nationality forces in Iraq, well… it looks nice enough on the out side, but is filled with mystery and unanswered questions….
Giving the right to the foreign forces to take necessary measures in controlling security? This point, for example, would be an excuse to every military operation that would claim more victims, civilians or others…
We will remain in panic, because there are some foreign forces that possess unlimited authorities, and control everything….
Which means…no independence in the foreseen future...

And the newspapers are filled with talk about the Prime Minster Ayyad Allawi….many reports claiming he works for the C.I.A., that he was responsible for the bombings in Iraq in Saddam's time….
Why are they exposing the man, distorting his reputation??
Is he really a C.I.A. agent? Would these stories deprive him of honesty and competence?
Who brought him, and chose him to lead the government?
Is this some blackmail policy, so that he would always remain under control, and wouldn't revolt against them in the future??
How are we going to respect him, and trust him??
I am neither a political nor parties expert, but watching and meditating in what is happening, and analyzing it, gives logical possibilities…engineering taught me how to think and analyze every thing in life.
When I went to Beirut with Azzam at the beginning of my marriage, after graduation from collage in 1976, I worked as a volunteer in rebuilding the Palestinian refugee camps, reconnecting electricity and water supply, and other necessities…
I was at the beginning of my twenties…
I looked up to the political leaders, heads of parties and organizations, but I found them very far away from people and their interests. The most they cared about in life were positions and privileges, and the fight between them for these privileges.
There was a devastating civil war that lasted for 15 years, interests, and interests, and interests.
Tens of thousands of innocents died in that war… until party owners reached a formula to stop the war.
From that time on I hated politics and politicians. I found it was the worst job in the world…the further away from honesty… filled with lies, deception, and games. From it flows wars, destruction, devastation to people and countries…. Because it is a job of many interests. And interests are usually for a few people, the damages being paid by the innocent people…
If it was for me, I would have kept on writing, in this website, about children, flowers, and birds… and all the beautiful subjects that wouldn't upset the mood, or raise conflicts.
But the world we live in is flailing, moving towards falling… due to the policies of foolish men, who satisfy the interests of a small bunch. While the people of the world are sleeping…some are watching, and some are paying the price.
I see that we all are responsible…
Responsible in opening our eyes and minds to understand what is going on around us. To stop the evil ones in their trucks, and encourage the honest to accomplish what is in the best interests of the mass…
If we keep silent, or a sleep, it is as if we are accomplices in the works of the evil.
The world is a small village, and we want it filled with peace and security.
This is the responsibility of us all…
Today, the Municipality of Baghdad employees came, to remove all the encroaching in the streets, and ask the peddlers not to get in the streets in order to show their wares, and to use the sidewalks in a way that wouldn't disturb the pedestrians. They gave a time limit to those who built unauthorized temporary structures, to remove them as soon as possible. A while ago, some shooting occurred against the police by these people…some reinforcements came along, and they took the people who were shooting to the police station, arresting them, with all the necessary procedures.
Yes, these are very good news… we are with the Iraqi police, we want everyone who encroaches to understand that there is a state that checks upon him, and enforces the law. Everyone should understand that freedom doesn't mean overrunning other people's rights.
This gives us hope that the killings, kidnappings, and robberies would lessen, once there is a state that protects its citizens, and looks after them…
We welcome this state, support it, and with it build a new, strong Iraq.
And some time, if the Iraqis feel that this state is wasting their rights, and giving authority to a foreigner so he would be their leader,… well, then we shall have another word to say.
I wish the Iraqis would have the strength to stand up and say : no, when it is time to say so…
I wish they wouldn't remain asleep, or become like sheep…and so lose their rights, as was the case at Saddam's time.
I wish no painful history would repeat it self here, another time…

{translated by May....Baghdad}

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Good morning..
I am busy these days, so don`t worry if I didn`t put new pictures or posts in the next couple of days.
I will miss you all.

السبت 12 حزيران/ 2004
صباح الخير...
بغداد بخير...رغم الحزن , وغموض مصير العراق والعراقيين, لكننا لا نقطع الأمل بغد جميل مشرق...
لأنني لم أقطع الأمل بالعراقيين...
اتمنى أن يظلوا رمزا للشهامة وحب الوطن...والأ يناموا كما نام غيرهم...والأ يصيروا خرافا كما صار غيرهم..
فهم الأمل الذي تبقى لهذه الأمة المتعبة التي تكالب عليها الأعداء من كل الجهات...
سألني شاب أمريكي زارنا قبل أيام مع مجموعة من الشباب والشابات من اميركا واستراليا ونيوزلنده وآيرلنده
يعملون كناشطي سلام حول العالم...
كيف تتمني أن تري العراق بعد خمس سنوات من الآن...
اطرقت وفكرت....ثم قلت: اتمنى أن أراه حرا جميلا متطورا في كل شيء..
في مناهج التعليم في المدارس والجامعات, وفي طريقة تفكيرنا صوب الحياة... وفي كل شيء ,ولكن...
دون أن نفقد هويتنا ....مسلمين,أو عرب , أوعراقيين.
دون أن نفقد ثقافتنا وننسى تاريخنا...
لا نريد أن نذوب في خليط لا هوية له...
قلت لهم :انا مسلمة , وانتم مسيحيون أو بلا ديانة, لا يهمني...
لا مانع ان نكون اصدقاء, يحترم أحدنا الآخر, ويستمع اليه, دون أن نفقد الهوية ...
ثقافات وتاريخ واديان مختلفة...نبني عالما جميلا يسوده السلام والأمان.
لا حروب ولا أحقاد...ولا ندمر بعضنا...
هكذا اتمنى ان يكون العالم في السنوات القادمة...يعيشه اولادنا واحفادنا , مع اولادكم واحفادكم...
هذا الوفد أهدى ابني ماجد( سي دي )فيه أغاني للفرقة التي تغني للسلام...
مرسوم عليه طائرة بي 52 ترمي قلوب وحب على العالم...
وتذكرت البي 52 التي كانت ترمي الصواريخ على العراق في الحرب الأخيرة..
وكنا نسميها المحراث...لأنها تحرث الأرض وتدمر كل من عليها من بشر واشجار ومباني وآليات.
وحين كنا نستمع للأخبار اليومية , يقولون انطلقت طائرات بي 52 من قاعدة في اوروبا مثلا...
فكنا نضحك ونقول عدوا الساعات ستصل اليكم بعد ست ساعات أو ثمانية , وتبدأ الغارة.
وطبعا غاراتها كانت طوال الليل على مواقع الجيش العراقي...الذي تم سحقه بلا رحمة .
كنت اطبع قبل أيام يوميات الحرب من دفتري القديم..
ورأيت اننا منذ سقوط بغداد بدأنا نتمنى الأمان وننتظره...وعودة الماء والكهرباء..
وها نحن بعد أكثر من سنة, نتكلم ونطالب بنفس البنود , وكأن الزمن توقف وما عاد له معنى.
مطالب الناس بتوفير ابسط البنود للحياة اليومية أصبحت عسيرة؟
اليست هي الأولويات؟
لكن لم تكن كذلك حتى الآن...
لا من قبل مجلس الحكم, ولا من قبل قوات الإحتلال...
وطبعا ستسمع قصصا طويلة ومبررات كثيرة....
في الأسبوع الماضي, عندما اطلق سائق الدبابة النار على الطلاب في المقهى..
تألمت كثيرا حين سمعت القصة..لأنني أم , وأحسست بمقدار ألم امهاتهم وآبائهم..
واتصلت برائد, وسألته أن يساعدني على ايجاد اتصال مع اي منظمة تعنى بحقوق الإنسان لتقديم شكوى...
ثم عاد واتصل وقال : لا يوجد حاليا في العراق اية منظمة من هذه التي تسألين عنها..
خذي عنوان الموقع وحاولي الإتصال بهم...
فتحت الموقع ووجدت أن فيه تقارير عن تجاوزات قوات الإحتلال لحقوق الإنسان في العراق , لكن لا أحد يهتم
أو يتعاون في هذا الموضوع...
تذكرت انفجار مبنى الأمم المتحدة...ومقتل ممثل الأمين العام...واغلاق مكتب المنظمة وانسحاب الأعضاء العاملين الى عمان حتى اشعار آخر...
من له مصلحة بتفجير ذلك المكتب؟
ومن له مصلحة بإخراج الأمم المتحدة من العراق؟
هل هم حقا العراقيون؟
أشك في ذلك...كلنا نشك في ذلك.
هذه الأفعال يرتكبها أعداء العراقيين , الذين يملأون العراق الآن , من كافة الإنتماءات والجنسيات .
والعراقيون هم الخاسرون.
تدمير شبكات الكهرباء, واستهداف مراكز الشرطة والجيش الجديد, هذه افعال لا يرتكبها عراقيون شرفاء..
هذه يرتكبها مرتزقة يبتغون من ورائها أهدافا سياسية ....واساءة للشعب العراق, وتشويه لسمعته, ومبرر لسحب
الإستقلالية من يده, وتخويل جهات اجنبية بتملك القرارات الخاصة بالعراق...حتى اشعار أخر...
أما عن قرار مجلس الأمن حول الحكومة الإنتقالية ومجيء قوات متعددة الجنسيات الى العراق
فهو كلام جميل بظاهره, يمتليء بالغموض والأسئلة في باطنه..
ابقاء الحق للقوات الأجنبية باتخاذ ما يلزم لضبط الأمن ؟
هذه نقطة مثلا ستكون مبررا لكل عمليات عسكرية ستوقع ضحايا آخرين من مدنيين وغيرهم...
وسنظل في الرعب لأن ثمة قوات اجنبية تملك صلاحيات لا محدودة...
وتمسك يزمام الأمور....
وهذا يعني لا استقلال للدولة العراقية في المنظور القريب.
والصحف تمتليء بالحديث عن رئيس الحكومة اياد علاوي...
وتقارير عن كونه من السي آي أيه, وانه كان مسؤولا عن تنفيذ التفجيرات في العراق في عهد صدام...
لماذا يفضحون الرجل ويشوهون سمعته؟
هل هو حقا عميل سي آي أيه؟
وهل هذه القصص تسقط عنه النزاهة والكفاءة؟
ومن الذي جاء به واختاره رئيسا للحكومة؟
وهل هذه سياسة ابتزاز للرجل ليظل تحت السيطرة ولا يتمرد عليهم في المستقبل؟
وكيف سنحترمه ونثق به ؟
لست خبيرة سياسة ولا أحزاب...لكن التأمل والنظر لما يحدث, وتحليله, يعطي احتمالات منطقية .
الهندسة علمتني التفكير والتحليل لكل شيء في الحياة .
عندما ذهبت لبيروت مع عزام في بداية زواجي وتخرجي من الجامعة عام 1976, وعملت كمتطوعة لأعادة اعمار مخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين , واعادة الماء والكهرباء اليهم, ومتطلبات الحياة الأخرى...
كنت في بداية العشرينات من عمري...
ونظرت الى القادة السياسيين, قادة الأحزاب والتنظيمات, فوجدتهم أبعد ما يكونوا عن الناس واهتماماتهم...
واشد ما يهمهم في الحياة , المناصب والإمتيازات, والقتال فيما بينهم من أجل تلك الإمتيازات...
وكان ثمة حرب أهلية طاحنة..استمرت لخمسة عشر سنة, مصالح ومصالح ومصالح...
مات في تلك الحرب عشرات الآلاف من الأبرياء....
حتى توصل أصحاب الأحزاب الى صيغة لتتوقف الحرب .
ومن تلك الأيام كرهت السياسة وأهل السياسة.
ووجدت انها اسوأ مهنة في العالم...
وانها ابعد ما تكون عن الصدق...
ففيها كذب ومكر والاعيب...
ومنها تأتي الحروب والخراب والدمار للشعوب والأوطان...لأنها مهنة مصالح ..
والمصالح عادة لفئة قليلة, والخسائر تدفعها فئات الشعب البريئة ...
لو كان الأمر بيدي, لبقيت أكتب في موقعي هذا عن الأطفال والزهور والعصافير...وكل المواضيع الجميلة التي
لا تعكر المزاج ...او تثير الخلافات...
لكن العالم الذي نعيشه, يتخبط, ويتجه نحو الهاوية...بفعل سياسات رجال حمقى, لا يعملون الا لمصالح فئة قليلة
وشعوب العالم تغط في نوم عميق...بعضها يتفرج , وبعضها يدفع الثمن.
وأرى اننا جميعا نتحمل المسؤولية....
نتحمل مسؤولية أن نفتح عيوننا وعقولنا لنفهم ما الذي يجري من حولنا..
لنوقف الشرير عند حده, ونشجع الشريف على انجاز ما فيه مصلحة المجموع من الخير...
ان نصمت أو ننام , فكأننا شاركنا الأشرار في اعمالهم...
العالم قرية صغيرة, نريد ان يسودها الأمن والسلام .
وهذه مسؤوليتنا جميعا....
اليوم جاءت امانة بغداد لترفع كل التجاوزات التي حصلت على الشوارع, والطلب من الباعة المتجولين بعدم النزول للشارع لعرض البضاعة, واستعمال الرصيف بطريقة لا تؤذي المشاة.
واعطاء مهلة للذين تجاوزا واقاموا منشآت مؤقتة غير مرخصة , بان يزيلوها بأسرع وقت ممكن..
وقبل قليل حدث اطلاق نار ضد الشرطة من بعض المتجاوزين...
وجاءت قوة اسناد, واخذوا الذين اطلقوا النار الى مركز الشرطة لتوقيفهم, واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة .
نعم ..هذه أخبار سارة جدا...
نحن مع الشرطة العراقية, ونريد أن يفهم كل من تجاوزأن ثمة دولة تسأله وتحاسبه...
ويفهم الجميع ان الحرية لا تعني التجاوز على حقوق الآخرين...
وهذا يعطينا املا بأن حوادث القتل والخطف والسرقات ستقل...عندما تكون ثمة دولة عراقية ترعى شؤون مواطنيها وتحميهم....
نرحب بها ونساندها, ونبني معها عراقا جديدا قويا...
وفي وقت ما , اذا أحس العراقيون أن هذه الدولة, تفرط في حقوقهم, وتعطي صلاحيات للأجنبي أن تكون له السيادة...فسيكون لكل حادث حديث....
اتمنى ان يكون للعراقيين قدرة للوقوف وقول كلمة : لا , حين يتطلب الموقف...
اتمنى أن لا يناموا أو يصبحوا كالخراف...فتضيع حقوقهم كما كان الحال ايام صدام...
اتمنى ان لا يعيد التاريخ المؤلم نفسه هنا....مرة أخرى .

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