Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Sunday January 18, 2004

Good morning… a morning of explosions… in Baghdad, what's good about it?

These mysterious explosions are meaningless in that they only result in human loss and pain… I
don't know what idiot finds them useful and carries them out- and what did they say to him to
convince him? I don't understand. Maybe there's another language in the world with a vocabulary composed
of killing and blood and innocent victims… I don't understand it- am I stupid? What is the use?
And what use is all the chaos to the poor people?


The emails I get are amazing… from different places around the world… from India, Italy, France,
Holland, Norway, and different states like New York, Massachusetts [Boston], California, Michigan
and other places you'll excuse me for forgetting- my memory is crowded with names.

All the emails I get are full of warmth and understanding for our situation. They even say the
blog about our everyday lives is similar to their own family life, and their memories are like my
own! These letters make me so happy! They make me laugh joyfully as my eyes drown in tears… I always
thought it would take hundreds of years for us to meet and understand each other but I'm finding
that we are all simple humans who have more in common than we have differences- in spite of the
distances, the different settings, and religions. It makes me wonder why our governments aren't like
us, but more like space aliens that have come from a far place with no warm feelings or
appreciation for one another's past and present. I'll never know the answer!


Let's get back to Baghdad- I'll tell you about the situation we still live daily. The electricity
is better, but it might be worse again when I blog tomorrow or the day after- nobody knows. The
lines in front of the gas stations are fewer… until further notice. The dollar is improving,
especially after the scandal of the airplane loaded with 20 billion new Iraqi Dinars in Beirut Airport.
By the way, who is going to investigate this scandal and punish the bad guys? In the past, during
Saddam's days, the Western media specialized in publicizing Saddam's scandals- well, today, who is
going to care about us?? And who do we complain to? Only God.

The retirement wages have been 'postponed', as have the wages of the former army… there are no
employment opportunities in the country… and no projects by foreign companies… so what is there?

There are explosions… and raids upon homes… and detentions made out of fear of mischief-makers and
weapons arsenals. I want to stop for a moment at the raids upon homes. These usually occur at
night, and are often the result of an Iraqi's tip-off to American forces about his neighbor or
relative or someone who means nothing to him and they pay the informer money (a reward for his good
work). A couple of days ago, I heard a story with all the elaborate details, about one of these raids.
The wife says: they blew up the main wooden door with a small bomb. The woman and her son ran to
hide under the staircase in terror. The troops went to the kitchen where the woman's husband was
located, tied him up, put a bag over his head and took him away in the middle of the night.

After 5 days of terror and waiting, they dropped him off in the dead of night on a street near his
house. He returned eagerly in fear and silence to his family. He said that after the removed the
bag from his head, they interrogated him, asking his for his name, his job and other normal things,
and then they let him go.

His wife was crying and saying, "We're leaving… I won't stay here anymore!" And I'm wondering- who
will defend us when we complain? Who will believe us? Who will uphold our rights and our dignity
while we are under the occupation of a country that boasts it is a country of freedom? Can't a door
be knocked during the day and the questions asked with a little less hostility and injury? Without
breaking down doors and putting bags over heads… which the victims keep to prove to themselves and
to us that it wasn't just a nightmare, but reality. And what a reality….

[Translated by River Bend,]

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Wednesday 14/1/2004

I hesitated lots before publishing the post of Saturday 10/1. To be honest, I wrote it while Iwas sad and angry about what is going on. The media outlets are responsible somehow. People abroad don’t know the truth about our daily lives. When I tried to publish it on the website I faced technical problems. I wavered and delayed publication till next morning. I couldn’t sleep that night. I
was struck by a panic attack. I was afraid of the responses I would get. Are they going to be cruel? Each time I heard a helicopter passing by our house, I would imagine that they were dropping a rocket on us. Ha ha ha ha!! This is the house of those evil people that write the truth. Lets bomb them! I prayed to God that if I was right that he would support me and help me out. I didn’t mean to offend anybody, but I don’t like to stay silent when I face an unfair situation. In the morning I stayed worried but then I found the courage to post it on the website, then came the translation from ihath and I posted that as well. That evening I got 29 emails. One of them was ridiculing me but the rest were supportive, thanking me and apologetic about what we are going through. I spent most of the evening sending thank you emails. I am now more convinced that the world has become a small village and there is a cmmon language for discussion among people of all nationalities. All the people from all around the world love peace and want safety for their children, family and friends. Then there are these small wishes that we have. That we would dress well, eat well and live life with dignity. We have hobbies and interests, we have friends that we love and we enjoy nature. We live in a quiet way. We all agree on that. Then what is the point of wars? What is the point
of losing the people that we love? What do we benefit from ruining our lives and the lives of others? Many of the people that sent me emails are mothers and fathers that want this silly war to end. They want their children to come home to them as soon as possible. I say we here too want this war to end and our sons and daughters to return to the homeland. But the question is: Who decides? Who is planning our future and your future? The people here and there want peace and calm. But there is a small group here and there that has other interests. We the majority become the victims of the dreams of this minority. A minority that never gets enough deals, investments, profits. Here
and there, it is all the same. The people pay the price with their blood and their offspring’s blood. The only thing that increases is the pain, sadness and ruin. The media is relentless in lying, justifying. and disfiguring reality. The young of age and experience are the victims of this. They become the suitable fuel for these wars. It is easy to attract and deceive the young with slogans
about country, distant dreams. It is easy to incite them against an enemy, convince them that life can’t go on without eliminating this enemy. There will be no justice or truth on earth. There are always thousands of listening ears to such propaganda, add some financials incentives and very quickly you have filling graveyards of young people in both countries.
Is what Saddam did to us all that different to what other leaders do to their people? The same strategy, same way of thinking. Who is paying attention? At what loss will these leaders stop to commit foolishness? Does it help to simply change the people at the top? Is there a limited number of men that are playing games with the destiny of nations around the world? Are these leaders just employees of these men….....until a further notice.

[translation by]

Monday 12/1/2004
I get lots of email, I thank them all. Most of the letters that I get are calm, even when they come from Americans. Many of the people, both men and women, are sympathetic, they wish us well, and hope that we find a way to get through theses difficult days we are facing. I noticed that most of them are close to their forties, there is a big range of ages, up to seventies. I also noticed that most of the email that my children get are hostile in nature, especially when they come from other kids their own age. They accuse my children of being Ba’athist or belonging to Hamas. To me,this proves that these young inexperienced people are the victims of the dishonest western media.
Whereas the older and more mature people have the ability to decipher what they view in the media.
I wish that the mothers and fathers would direct their children towards a fairer way of thinking.
When Baghdad fell, many organizations started to operate inside Baghdad, Raed, Majid and Khalid formed many friendships with foreigners. They would bring them home for lunch and dinner and we would sit together as if we were one family, regardless whether they were boys or girls. The kids would treat them as their own siblings and me and Azzam would treat them as if they were our children.
In every society there is a group of people that is closed off to the rest of the world and that is against exposure to other cultures. But the disaster happens when the media becomes directed against a particular country. Like what is happening against Muslim countries. The media gives the impression that we are monsters that love explosives and terrorist organizations. We are in a painful state, who will explain? Who will believe?
When I criticize federalism, it is because it came now, during these tense times when everybody is holding bad feelings towards the others. Saddam tried hard to divide Iraqis and isolate one group from the other, Sunni and Shea, Kurdish and Arab. This is a hateful way to classify human beings that live in the same country and have common traditions, morals and nature. So why do we forget all this and hold on to the one thing the divides us…. Don’t tell me that this holds a greater good…. What good can come from divisiveness? Saddam failed to convince the Iraqis of this tribalism, they lived despite all the hardship united. The danger now is greater. Chaos is the mistress of these times. Europe was able to be united after wars, hell and a history that is stained with blood.
The US got united after the civil war between the north and south, and the tensions between whites and blacks. We on the other hand, are entering into this dark tunnel that others have left hundreds of years ago.
At the end of my work, I was buying fruits when I came across this poor lady. She used to work as a cleaners in a nearby building to where I work. I asked her about herself and about her children.
She told me that she left work because of the safety situation, she is afraid to leave her home,she waits to get the retirement wage from her late husband. When did you get paid last, I asked her as I was feeling sorry for her. We got an installment before Eid Al Sagheir (muslim holiday) that was during Ramadan (holy month of fasting). I thought long and hard, Ramadan? when was Ramadan?.That was two months ago? She nodded in agreement.Ok! what about the other installments? They say there is no money … Maybe in another month, maybe more. And how do you live then? She bent her lip
and said I don’t know. I can help this woman but what about the hundreds and thousands of other families? Who will help them? I remembered a saying, “Like a poor camel that is eating dry prickly plants while carrying boxes of gold on his back”. Isn’t that the state of the Iraqi people that live
on an oil well yet some are hungry and some are unemployed. You keep asking me why I have a headache?

translated by ihath

Monday, January 19, 2004

الأحد 18/1
صباح الخير ... صباح الإنفجارات ...في بغداد ..أين الخير ؟
هذه الإنفجارات الغامضة التي لا معنى لها سوى خسائر بشرية وألم ..لا أدري أي أحمق يجدها مفيدة وينفذها..وماذا قالوا له ليقنعوه بجدواها ...لست أفهم .ربما ثمة لغة أخرى في العالم مفرداتها قتل ودماء وضحايا أبرياء ...لست أفهمها ...هل أنا غبية ؟ وماذا يستفيدون ؟؟ وماذا يستفيد الشعب المسكين من هذه الفوضى ؟؟؟
البريد الذي يصلني عبر الأنترنت , مدهش ...
من أماكن مختلفة من العالم.. من الهند وايطاليا وفرنسا وهولندا والنرويج وولايات مختلفة مثل نيويورك وبوستن وكاليفورنيا و متشغان وكثيرة أخرى اعذروني الذاكرة مزدحمة.. تصلني رسائل كلها مودة وتفهم لإحوالنا ..حتى المقالة عن حياتنا اليومية ..قالوا عنها تشبه حياتهم العائلية..وذكرياتهم تشبه ذكرياتي ...
وكم أسعدتني هذه الرسائل !!!
جعلتني أضحك من الفرح بينما تغرق عيوني بالدموع ...
كنت أظن أن بيننا مئات السنين حتى نلتقي ويفهم بعضنا مفردات الآخر ...ووجدت اننا جميعا بشر بسطاء نتفق أكثر مما نختلف , رغم بعد المسافات واختلاف المناشيء والأديان ...
وتساءلت ..لماذا إذن الحكومات لا تشبهنا كأنها مخلوقات فضائية جاءت من أماكن بعيدة ...حيث لا مشاعر حنونة ولا تقدير للآخر وماضيه وحاضره ؟؟؟
لا أعرف الجواب أبدااااا
نعود لبغداد ...سأعطيكم الحالة اليومية التي ما زلنا نعيشها ...
الكهرباء تحسنت وربما حين أبعث المقالة غدا أو بعد غد تكون قد ساءت مرة أخرى لا أحد يعلم !
محطات البنزين خفت من أمامها الطوابير ..حتى إشعار آخر ..
الدولار بدأيتحسن بعد إنكشاف فضيحة الطائرة المحملة بعشرين مليار دينار عراقي جديد في مطار بيروت ..على فكرة من سيحقق في هذه الفضيحة ويعاقب الأشرار؟
في الماضي , اقصد أيام صدام , كان الإعلام الغربي متخصص بنشر فضائح صدام , حسنا , واليوم ..من سيهتم بنا ؟؟ ولمن نشتكي ؟؟...سوى رب العالمين ...
ورواتب المتقاعدين مؤجلة ورواتب الجيش السابق كذلك ..وتعيينات في الدولة لا يوجد ...ومشاريع شركات أجنبية لا يوجد ...
ماذا يوجد ؟
توجد تفجيرات ... ومداهمات للبيوت ..واعتقالات خوفا من مشاغبين عندهم أسلحة وذخائر ..
أريد أن أتوقف قليلا عند نقطة المداهمات للبيوت . هذه تتم عادة في الليل , وبتبليغ من مواطن عراقي للقوات الأمريكية عن جاره أو قريبه أو أي شخص لا يعنيه أمره ...ثم يدفعون له فلوسا ..يعني ثمن هذا العمل الصالح ...
وقبل يومين ..سمعت قصة بالتفصيل الممل عن مداهمة ليلية لأحد البيوت , الزوجة تحكي ... فجروا الباب الرئيسي الخشبي الصنع بقنبلة صغيرة تفي بالغرض .. واختبأت هي وإبنها تحت الدرج وذهبوا للمطبخ حيث يوجد زوجها وقيدوه ووضعوا كيسا حول رأسه وأخذوه معهم حوالي منتصف الليل ...
بعد خمسة أيام من الرعب والإنتظار أطلقوا سراحه وأنزلوه في شارع قريب لبيته في الليل أيضا ... حيث عادبلهفة وصمت ورعب الى أهله .. بعد أن أزاح الكيس عن رأسه
حققوا معه وسألوه عن إسمه وعمله وأشياء عادية أخرى ..ثم أطلقوا سراحه ..
زوجته تبكي وتقول سنسافر لن أبقى هنا أبدا ..
وأنا أتساءل ..من يدافع عنا حين نشتكي ؟ ومن يصدقنا ؟
ومن يحفظ حقوقنا وكرامتنا ..ونحن تحت إحتلال دولة تتباهى بأنها دولة الحرية .!
ألا يمكن طرق الأبواب في النهار والسؤال بطريقة أقل عدوانية وأذى للنفوس من هذه ؟ دون تحطيم الأبواب ووضع أكياس على الرؤوس , ما زال اصحابها يحتفظون بها ليثبتوا لأنفسهم ولنا إن هذا لم يكن كابوسا ... بل حقيقة .
ويا لها من حقيقة ....

الأربعاء 14/1
ترددت كثيرا قبل إنزال مقالة يوم السبت10/1....
في الحقيقة كتبتها وأنا في حالة حزن وغضب مما يحدث ..ووسائل الإعلام كأنها نائمة أو متواطئة بطريقة ما .. والناس في الخارج لا يعلمون ما هي حقيقة التفاصيل اليومية ..
وعندما حاولت إنزالها على الإنترنت صادفتني مشاكل في سوء الإتصال ..فترددت ,وأجلت الموضوع للصباح .
ولم أقدر أن أنام , أصابني قلق وخوف من ردود أفعال سأتعرض لها , قد تكون قاسية .. وكلما مرت طائرة هلكوبتر فوق بيتنا أتخيل إنه سينزل صاروخا علينا ....هاهاها هذا بيت الأشرار الذين يكتبون الحقيقة.. !!!
ودعوت الله أن يكون معي ويساعدني إن كنت على حق , ولم أقصد الإساءة لأحد , ولكني لا أحب الظلم ولا السكوت عنه ...
وفي الصباح بقيت قلقة من ردود الأفعال , وجدت في نفسي الشجاعة وأنزلته على صفحتنا , ثم جاءت الترجمة من ايهاث وأنزلتها...
في المساءاستلمت29رسالة بالبريد الإلكتروني , واحدة تستهزيء , والباقي يشجع ويشكر ويعتذر عما يحصل لنا ....
قضيت معظم الوقت أرسل رسائل شكر.....
زادت عندي القناعة بأن العالم أصبح قرية صغيرة وثمة لغة مشتركة للحوار بين الناس على إختلاف الجنسيات..
كل الناس في كل دول العالم يحبون السلام والطمأنينة لعوائلهم وجيرانهم وأصدقائهم وللآخرين..وتوجد ثمة أمنيات صغيرة ..أن نأكل جيدا ونلبس جيدا ونعيش حياة فيها كرامة , ولدينا هوايات ولدينا أصدقاء نحبهم ونتمتع بالطبيعة ونعيش حياتنا بطريقة هادئة ... الكل يتفق على هذا ..إذن ما جدوى الحروب ؟ وما جدوى أن نفقد الذين نحبهم ؟ وما الفائدة من إفساد حياتنا وحياة الآخرين ؟
وكثير من الذين أرسلوا الرسائل أمهات وآباء .. يتأسفون ولا يريدون لهذه الحرب السخيفة أن تستمر , ويتمنون عودة أبناءهم بأسرع وقت ... وأقول نحن هنا أيضا نريد لهذه الحرب أن تتوقف وأن يعود أبناءكم بسلام الى الوطن .ولكن السؤال : القرار بيد من ؟؟ ومستقبلنا ومستقبلكم من يقرره ويرسمه ؟؟؟
الشعب هنا وهناك يريد السلام والهدوء .. وثمة فئة هنا وهناك لها مصالح ...ونحن الأكثرية نذهب ضحايا من أجل أحلام أقلية ...أقلية لا تشبع من الإستثمارات والأرباح والصفقات ..هنا وهناك ..والشعوب تدفع الثمن من دمائها ودماء أبنائها ..ولن يزيد عندنا شيء سوى الألم والحزن والخراب لنا او لغيرنا من البشر ...
أما وسائل الإعلام فلا تتوقف عن تشويه الحقائق والكذب والتبرير ..ويكون عادة ضحاياها من الشباب صغار السن والتجربة وهم الوقود المناسب للحروب ....فمن السهولة جذبهم وخداعهم بشعارات حول الوطن ..وتحقيق الأحلام البعيدة ...وإما تحريضهم ضد العدو الذي لا يمكن أن تستمر الحياة دون القضاء عليه .. أو لتحقيق العدالة والحق على الأرض !
وطبعا ستجد الدولة آلاف الآذان الصاغية من الشباب , بالإضافة للإغراءات المالية ,فيصبحوا الأداة لتحقيق الأهداف المعلنة والخفية .. ثم تمتليء المقابر هنا وهناك ....
أليس ما كان يفعله صدام حسين بنا يفعله قادة دول أخرى بشعوبهم ؟؟
نفس الخطوات ونفس الأفكار ....ولكن من ينتبه؟؟
وبعد كم من الخسائر , سيتوقف هؤلاء عما يرتكبونه من حماقات ؟ ..وهل الحل بتغيير الرجال ؟ أم أن ثمة مجموعة محددة تعبث بمصير العالم وتسيره كيف تشاء وحتى هؤلاء القادة من الرجال , هم موظفين لديها , حتى إشعار آخر .....

االإثنين 12/1/004
تصلني رسائل من البريد الإلكتروني..
أشكرهم جميعا.. معظم الذين يكتبون لي هادئين حتى لو كانوا أمريكان ,نساء ورجال , ومتعاطفين , ويتمنون لنا الخير , وتجاوز الأيام الصعبة التي نمر بها.. ولاحظت أن معظمهم أعمارهم تقترب من الأربعين أو أكثرتدريجيا حتى السبعين .
لكني لاحظت الرسائل التي تصل لأولادي أكثرها عدوانية , خصو صا من الأولاد بأعمارهم. وهم يتهمون الأولاد إما انهم بعثيين أو منتمين الى حماس !!
وهذا دليل على إن هؤلاء صغار السن والتجربة هم أول ضحايا الإعلام غير الصادق الغربي!
بينما كبار السن متفهمين وناضجين ويملكون قدرة على التمييز .
أتمنى من الآباء والأمهات أن يوجهوا أبناءهم لطريقة تفكير أكثر إنصافا ...
عندما سقطت بغداد ودخلت منظمات كثيرة إلى بغداد, تكون لرائد وخلد وماجد الكثير من الأصدقاء من الأجانب يأتون بهم للبيت وقت الغداء أو العشاء , ونجلسهم معنا كأنهم في عائلة واحدة ..شباب كانوا أو بنات ...الأولاد يعاملونهم كأخوتهم وأنا وعزام نعاملهم كأبنائنا...
دائما في كل مجتمع تجد فئة غير منفتحة وتكره عملية إستيعاب الآخر .. لكن الكارثة إن كان هذا إلاعلام موجه من دولة ضد دول أخرى ...كما يحدث ضد الدول الإسلامية وإعطاء الإنطباع إن السكان وحوش ويحبون التفجيرات ويحبون التنظيمات الإرهابية... نحن هنا أمام حالة مؤلمة من سوء الفهم ....
من سيشرح ومن سيصدق؟؟
وعندما أنتقد الفدرالية , فلأنها جاءت الآن والجو مشحون بسوء الظن من كل طرف ضد الآخر !
صدام حاول كثيرا أن يفرق العراقيين ويعزلهم بطريقة, سني شيعي , كردي عربي , وهي طريقة بغيضة لتصنيف البشر الذين يعيشون في وطن واحد ولهم عادات وأخلاق وطباع مشتركة وكثيرة . فلماذا نتجاوزها ونتمسك ببند واحد ليجمع فئة ضد فئة .. لا تقل لي إن فيها مصلحة خير...أين الخير في التفرقة والإنقسام ؟
فشل صدام في إقناع العراقيين بالطائفية , وعاشوا رغم المحن , متوحدين . ولكن الخطر الآن أكبر والفوضى هي سيدة الموقف ...
حروب وجحيم وتاريخ ملطخ بالآلام ... توحدت أوروبا .... وتوحدت ولايات أميركا ..بعد أن تجاوزا مشكلة الشمال والجنوب , الأبيض والأسود , أما نحن فيبدو اننا سندخل النفق المظلم .. الذي خرج منه الآخرون قبل مئات السنين.....
وعند عودتي الى البيت نهاية الدوام ... كنت أشتري الفواكه حين صادفتني سيدة فقيرة كانت تعمل منظفة في عمارة مجاورة لمحل عملي . وسألتها كيف تعيش هي وأطفالها؟ قالت تركت العمل لإنعدام الأمان وأخاف الخروج من المنزل , وأنتظر استلام الراتب التقاعدي للمرحوم زوجي .. ومتى تستلمون ؟ سألتها وانا مشفقة عليها ..قالت استلمنا دفعة قبل العيد الصغير يعني في رمضان ...أطرقت وفكرت..رمضان؟ متى كان رمضان؟ قلت قبل شهرين ؟. هزت رأسها موافقة . طيب وأين باقي الرواتب ؟ ...يقولون لا توجد فلوس ....ربما بعد شهر أو أكثر ...ومم ستعيشون ؟ قلبت شفتها ! لا أعلم ..
يمكنني أن أساعدها ...لكن مئات وآلآف العوائل الأخرى من سيساعدهم ؟
تذكرت مثلا يقول ...كالجمل المسكين يأكل الشوك ويحمل الصناديق من الذهب على ظهره ..
أليس هذا حال العراقيين وهم يعيشون على بحيرة من البترول ؟ وفيهم الجائع والعاطل عن العمل ..
وتسألوني دائما: لماذا عندك صداع ... ؟

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Sunday 11/1/2004

Last night I cried, I went to bed feeling pain and sadness. Why you ask. Because I browsed through the Arabic news week. Raed gave me a copy, he said you always like reading this newspaper. This is the new edition, it had pictures of Saddam and Ben Laden, the land mines that the US planted to blow up and ruin our lives. Then they come here and pretend to be the compassionate saviors….. Ooooooh! In this issue they had many articles that celebrate the victory and the arrest of Saddam and the liberation of Iraq. One article in particular devastated me. Its title is “Sin in Iraq”, the author, he or she, I don’t know, I can’t differentiate the name so please pardon me, Christian Carel. The article talks about the availability of prostitution houses in the new Iraq. The article mentions the exact locations and the prices. It talks about a new wave of liquor stores, drug pills and places to view movies of low morals. The article had interviews with people that explain their happiness now because Saddam was forbidding all such things. There was an interview with a policeman. He said that there is nothing he could do to control women of low morals because the occupation forces simply release them when they are arrested. Had this article been published in an anti US newspaper, I would have said that they are lying and make it all up. I have never seen or heard of something like this. Isn’t it embarrassing for this newspaper to be issued in the US, to be read by the American public? Are they going to smile and laugh about this or are they going to feel embarrassment, are they going to say we shouldn’t talk about this? They should say, we won’t allow these transgressions to happen out of our respect for the Iraqi people, respect for the Iraqi people’s religion and their morals. That is, If have entered our land as friends to help us out, as they claim. If they have entered our land as enemies, this is exactly what they should do to expose their hypocrisy to the world. The pictures with the article doesn’t collaborate the article. The people in the pictures are averages citizens, one of them is holding a pepsi can, the other a bottle of miranda (a soft drink), the dancing girls in the pictures work for a folk national dance company. It is an old and known traditional dance company. The article says that Saddam used to forbid the sales of alchohol and cut off the heads of women of lose morals. I say that is a lie. Had he been straight and careful about religion and morals, god wouldn’t have abandoned him. I believe that the Iraqi nation is waiting for an apology from the author of the article and the newspaper itself, That is if they have respect for the journalism profession and assuming their goals are noble. There are some that don’t respect this profession and wrongs it and stains the profession with embarrassment. I wonder, where is the senior editor? How does he allow to print such a dirty article? I promise you I won’t buy this newspaper again, I will tell the story to every Iraqi.

[translation by]

Sunday 11/1/2004

Last night I cried, I went to bed feeling pain and sadness. Why you ask. Because I browsed through the Arabic Newsweek. Raed gave me a copy; he said you always like reading this magazine. This is the new edition, it had pictures of Saddam and Bin-Laden, the land mines that the US planted to blow up and ruin our lives. Then they come here and pretend to be the compassionate saviors…..
Ooooooh! In this issue they had many articles that celebrate the victory and the arrest of Saddam and the liberation of Iraq. One article in particular devastated me. Its title is “Sin in Iraq”, the author, he or she, I don’t know, I can’t differentiate the name so please pardon me, Christian Carel. The article talks about the availability of prostitution houses in the new Iraq. The article mentions the exact locations and the prices. It talks about a new wave of liquor stores, drug pills and places to view movies of low morals. The article had interviews with people that explain their happiness now because Saddam was forbidding all such things. There was an interview with a policeman. He said that there is nothing he could do to control women of low morals because the occupation forces simply release them when they are arrested. Had this article been published in an anti US newspaper, I would have said that they are lying and make it all up. I have never seen or heard of something like this. Isn’t it embarrassing for this newspaper to be issued in the US, to be read by the American public? Are they going to smile and laugh about this or are they going to feel embarrassment, are they going to say we shouldn’t talk about this? They should say, we won’t allow these transgressions to happen out of our respect for the Iraqi people, respect for the Iraqi people’s religion and their morals. That is, If have entered our land as friends to help us out, as they claim. If they have entered our land as enemies, this is exactly what they should do to expose their hypocrisy to the world. The pictures with the article doesn’t collaborate the article. The people in the pictures are averages citizens, one of them is holding a pepsi can, the other a bottle of mirinda (a soft drink), the dancing girls in the pictures work for a folk national dance company. It is an old and known traditional dance company. The article says that Saddam used to forbid the sales of alcohol and cut off the heads of women of lose morals. I say that is a lie. Had he been straight and careful about religion and morals, god wouldn’t have abandoned him. I believe that the Iraqi nation is waiting for an apology from the author of the article and the newspaper itself, that is if they have respect for the journalism profession and assuming their goals are noble. There are some that don’t respect this profession and wrongs it and stains the profession with embarrassment. I wonder where is the senior editor? How does he allow to print such a dirty article? I promise you I won’t buy this newspaper again, I will tell the story to every Iraqi.
[translation by]

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