Saturday, May 22, 2004


السبت 22/5
صباح الخير..
أخبار العالم تختلط وتداخل مع بعضها...لكنها متشابهة.
الظلم واالظلام يسيطران على العالم...
هذا هو المختصر...
في الأيام السابقة هدمت الدبابات الإسرائيلية مئات المنازل في رفح جنوب غزة...
وقتلت أكثر من مئة فلسطيني, والمستشفيات امتلأت بالجثث والدماء...
ويوم امس تظاهر الفان من الإسرائيليين الناشطين في حركات السلام واعضاء من الكنيست الإسرائيلي
ضد شارون وعدوانيته,وتصادموا مع قوات الشرطة...
شكرا لهم , ما زال ثمة شرفاء على ألأرض يرفضون الظلم ضد الإنسان...
وأين العرب؟؟
لا تسأل ...
في النجف مصادمات وقتال وهدم بيوت وعراقيون يموتون..
ومظاهرات ضد الصدر في المدينة ينظمها حزب شيعي يؤيد قوات الإحتلال...
ويقسم الشارع الى نصفين , لتضيع الحقيقة...
وفي المنامة, في البحرين مظاهرات ضد دخول قوات الإحتلال الى مدينة النجف ..
وإقالة وزير الداخلية هناك لأنه ربما سمح لهذه المظاهرات أن تمشي في الشارع وتعبر عن رأي الناس...
التعبير ممنوع...اجلسوا في بيوتكم..
كلوا واشربوا وناموا مثل الخراف....
ودعوا العالم يغرق في الظلم والظلام....
هذا ما تفعله الحكومات العربية مع شعوبها لترضي أميركا...
الجلبي يهدد أمريكا ..
.اختلف الأحبة السابقون, فصاروا يفضحون بعضهم ويكيلون التهم ..
بريمر اعطى تعليمات للشرطة العراقية بمداهمة بيت الجلبي ومقر حزبه وتحطيم المحتويات..
سقطت هيبة الرجل أمام الناس....
اميركا تتهمه انه سرب معلومات الى ايران....
ونحن العراقيون نضحك...
دفتر التهم جاهز ضد من يتحدى اميركا......
بالأمس كان هو المرشح للرئاسة...واليوم صار غير مرغوب فيه...
هذه عقوبة من يبيع وطنه وشعبه للأجنبي...
وليس للإمبريالية أصدقاء.....
وحملة جمع تبرعات لأهالي الفلوجة لبناء بيوتهم التي تهدمت...
شاركنا في صندوق التبرعات...
كل من يسمع يشارك...لأن الألم واحد...والوطن واحد...ولا بد من المشاركة.
اين العرب؟؟؟
ينامون نوما عميقا....
هنيئا لهم...الآن
ويا ويلهم من يوم الحساب..
ماذا سيقولون لرب العباد؟؟؟؟
كنا ننام , تعبنا من المظاهرات والتبرعات والمشاركة..
لم تجد نفعا...الظالمون أشد قوة...
والنوم أكثر راحة...
والقمة العربية انعقدت هذا الصباح...
ماذا سيقولون؟؟
نستنكر وندين ونشجب...
لو كنت مكانهم لخجلت من الحضور والمشاركة...
الشعوب العربية يأست من هذه القمم الفارغة...
ليس سوى كاميرات وقاعات وورق وحبر وأقلام...
وتصريحات لا معنى لها...لا تقدم ولا تؤخر..
فلنعترف جميعا انه زمن الهزيمة والعجز والفشل...
قوى الشر تفوقت...وحطمت كل الروابط بين الأخوة..
ما عاد للعربي أخ عربي...
ما عاد للعراقي والفلسطيني أخوة يدافعون عنه...
ماتوا, ناموا, فقدوا الوعي...
قل ما شئت, فهم غائبون...
للعراقي والفلسطيني أخوة قليلين ممن حافظوا على نظافة ضمائرهم..
من عرب قليلين, واسرائيليين, وامريكيين, واوربيين, وغيرهم من دول العالم..
الناس اليوم , اما أكثرية مغفلة نائمة كالخراف...
أوأقلية مفتوحة العقل والعيون...
ما زالت تنظر وتسمع وتفهم ...
وتتألم لما يحدث,وتشارك بنشاطات لتتحدى الظلم ...
وكأنها تقول لن نفقد الأمل...
في القرآن يصف الله البشر في بداية سورة البقرة ويصنفهم...
المؤمنون , يعرفهم في آيتين..
والكافرون, في آيتين...
أما باقي الناس المتذبذبين , والذين لم يحسموا أمرهم...فيصفهم في أكثر من عشر آيات...
اؤلئك هم الغالبية ...والذين يحتاجون الى من يقودهم , ويدلهم الى طريق الحق...
غالبية الشعوب الآن , إما نائمة, أو مشغولة بحياتها اليومية وأحلامها الصغيرة...
كما يصفهم جورج اورويل في روايته 1984....
مثل النمل الذي لا يرى الا لمسافة قصيرة...وتشغله هموم غبية صغيرة, تعميه عن رؤية
ما يدور حوله.....
كما تنبأ اورويل في روايته...
الأخ الأكبر دخل كل البيوت وسيطر على كل العقول...
وغسل أدمغتهم...فصاروا عبيدا...
رغم كل أحزاني..
فقد ضحكت اليوم صباحا, حين استلمت رسالة بالبريد الإلكتروني من أمريكية , من مدينة بوستن,
قالت انها قرأت عني في مكان ما انني معادية لأمريكا...
وجاءت تقرأ موقعي لترى ما أقول...
فوجدت, انني امرأة ذكية ولا أقول ما فيه عداء لأمريكا..وانني أقول الحقيقة...
لذلك كتبت لي لتشكرني...
وأنا أشكر أصحاب المواقع الذين يحاولون تشويه صورتي وكلامي..
لأنهم يرسلون لي أصدقاء جدد...
الإنسان الذي لم تشوهه ثقافة الأخ الأكبر...يراني صديقة , ولا يراني عدوة.
بعد سبعين عاما من الكذب والظلم وتشويه الحقائق ,سقط الحكم الشيوعي في روسيا..
وعاد الناس ليعيشوا حياتهم أحرارا...
وبعد خمسة وثلاثين عاما من ظلم صدام حسين, سقط نظامه ومضى الى الأبد..
وها نحن نفتح عيوننا من جديد...
لكن للأسف , جاء الأخ الأكبر...
يريد أن يسيطر على عقولنا وحياتنا...
لكنه سيمضي ويسقط...
كما سقط كثير من الأقوياء الظالمين من قبله ....
وسوف نبتسم, ويبتسم الله في عليائه معنا...
(او لم يسيروا في الأرض فينظروا كيف كان عاقبة الذين من قبلهم.وكانوا اشد منهم قوة وما كان الله ليعجزه
من شيء في السموات ولا في الارض .....)

Good morning...
today , I put pictures on the link, it`s about our encient history ruins ...
well, about my last blog, or the coming one...
I`m talking about our life this days..I`m telling the truth..
I`m not anti- American person..
I do like and respect Americans..
but I`m talking against the bad leaders and bad planning..
come and live here, to understand the feelings of Iraqis..
the real Iraqis...not the others you saw on your Fox TV...
that is false ...
All of Iraqis reading my blogs before posting, they say :
may God bless your hand...
yes, I love Iraq, and Iraqis...and we all want peace , and want the real chance to rebuild our country, with our hands...
is that bad??
why some of Americans are angry??
what is the wrong??
do you think you are better than Iraqis??
we want to have our chance in life like others...

Friday, May 21, 2004

Thursday, May 20th
Good morning..
Although it's of bad news..
Yesterday, 40 Iraqi civilian were killed in a village called Qa`im, west of Iraq, because of a false gun fire by American helicopter. They were having a wedding party and traditionally shooting in air as a sign of happiness.
Unfortunately, the apache commander thought that they were shooting at him, he bombed the whole village and destructed many houses and killed those civilians.
About the US soldier on trial, he was involved in abusing, humiliating and torturing prisoners of Abo-ghraib prison. It was a great comedy done by those who were in charge. Lots of people had demonstrated asking about the rest of the soldiers involved in that scandal. A one-year in jail statement is nothing for what he has done.
About the assassination of the GC chief, there were different stories incompatible with the US spokesmen. Like the story of al-sharq alawsat news paper (
Eye-witnesses said that the cars were on a nearby check-point when the explosion happened. The man who got killed was peaceful and did not have a bad reputation. If he was one of the members who showed his loyalty to the occupation forces which Iraqis hate, we would say that it had been done by Iraqis themselves.
What about that website on the internet and the newly-created group with false Iraqi names that declared its responsibility for that action…
These are one-week events and it's a sample of our life since occupation, destruction, murders, explosions, and things like that .Nobody cares about our feelings and our humanity.
We say: "the student has gone , the master has come"
We mean by the student Saddam, while US is the master..
And it's much crueler…
Although Bush pretended to show pity of Iraqis in his media..
It's a tragedy, not a comedy in which the people are killed and the country is being destroyed.
Who is going to stop it, putting an end to such misery??
few foreign companies are working in distant isolated sites, US army contracts, as if the occupation forces were saying we would never got out of Iraq.
Iraqi oil has flown via Basra and Turkey (
do you know how many barrels are produced an hour?
In Basra port 83,000 barrels/hour
In khor amia port 20,000 barrel/hour
1.7 million barrel /day
we all wonder about where the financial income of our oil goes to??
The Iraqis wonder when they can rebuild their country after long-term wars, and why they can't do it themselves. Why should foreign companies invest in the establishment of Iraq? Why contracts were signed during the war-time? We feel as if there was someone trading with our country and our lives while we were terrified of bombing, and explosions.
Bush was planning to stay in Iraq as long as possible under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
It's supposed that we are going to have our sovereignty next month; does safety and stability come with a magic wand?
Will destruction be an everlasting cause for Bush administration to keep its control on Iraq under an alleged reason to stop a possible civil war?
But we have to say honestly that all evil had come with the first days of invading Iraq.
We haven't heard but sweet words and promises…
And we haven't seen but ugly actions...
as I was passing by the presidential sites of Saddam which are now taken-over by the US troops, I remember-our prophet's saying :" never dwell in bad people's houses lest you should get the same end as theirs ""
this is a sign of our mighty God that those who have invaded Iraq will , sooner or later, face the same end of Saddam…
Believing that every tyrant has an end….

الخميس 20/5
صباح الخير..
صباح الأخبار غير السارة..
بالأمس قتل 40 عراقي مدني من قرية قرب مدينة القائم, بسبب اطلاق نار من طائرة اباتشي امريكية
الناس كان عندهم عرسا...ومن العادات اطلاق الرصاص في العرس تعبيرا عن الفرحة.
لكن الأمريكي , قائد الطائرة ظنهم يستهدفونه, فقصف القرية ودمر البيوت...
والمحكمة التي حاكمت العسكري الأمريكي المتورط في انتهاكات سجن ابو غريب, تحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة سنة واحدة...
في ابو غريب مظاهرات , الناس يقولون اين باقي المتورطين ؟
وماذا تعني عقوبة السجن لسنة واحدة؟؟؟
ومقتل رئيس مجلس الحكم, وشهود عيان روايتهم تختلف عن الرواية الأمريكية..(جريدة الشرق الأوسط )
الموكب تم ايقافه أمام حاجز للتفتيش...وثمة سيارة مفخخة فجرت عن بعد, ووقفت جوار الموكب,
وقتلت الرجل الذي لا سمعة سيئة له..كان عنصرا مسالما..لا يستهدفه أحد.
لو كان من العناصر المعروفة لولائها للإحتلال, والتي يبغضها العراقيون...لقلنا نعم هذا من فعل العراقيين
لكنه لم يكن كذلك والقصة كلها مشبوهة وتثير الشكوك..
ثم قصة الموقع على الإنترنت , واسم تنظيم جديد , واسماء عراقيين توجد لها اسماء مشابهة كثيرة في الشارع ...
كل تلك الأحداث في اسبوع واحد...
وهي نموذج لحياتنا منذ دخل الإحتلال الى ارضنا...
خراب ودمار وقتل ومتاهات...
واستهتار بنا وبمشاعرنا وقيمة الإنسان عندنا...
دائما نقول : ذهب التلميذ...وجاء الأستاذ...
التلميذ كان صدام حسين...
والأستاذ هو أمريكا...
وهو أشد قسوة وبطشا بالعراقيين..
وإن تباكى عليهم بوش في محطات فضائية...
لكنها مسرحية ما هي بالهزلية...
مسرحية يقتل فيها شعب, ويدمر فيها وطن...
حاضرا ومستقبلا...
فمن ذا الذي سيوقفها , ويضع لها فصل النهاية؟؟؟
وثمة شركات قليلة اجنبية تعمل في مواقع بعيدة منعزلة...مقاولات للجيش الأمريكي..
وكأنها تقول لن نخرج من العراق لعشرات قادمة من السنين...
والنفط العراقي يتدفق عبر البصرة, وعبر تركيا..
وأقرأ في الصحيفة اليوم...( جريدة الشرق الأوسط)
ميناء البصرة 83000 برميل بالساعة
وآبار نفط خور العمياء في الجنوب 20000برميل بالساعة
كم سعر البرميل الواحد؟؟؟
اين تذهب اموال هذا النفط المصدر الى الخارج؟؟
ومن يستفيد منها؟؟
والعراقيون يتخبطون في الأسئلة والحيرة وقلة الدخل..
ويتساءلون متى نبني وطننا؟؟
ولماذا لا نبنيه بأيدينا؟؟
لماذا تأتي شركات اجنبية تستثمر وتبني المرافق الحيوية؟؟
لماذا وقعت العقود ونحن تحت قصف الصواريخ في الحرب قبل سنة؟
باعونا واشترونا ونحن نتفرج مذهولين....
بعد ذهولنا من الحرب والقصف , الإنفجارات والإغتيالات...
وبوش يخطط للبقاء هنا , ما دام هنالك مزيد من الإنفجارات..
والشهر القادم, من المفروض تسليم السلطة للعراقيين...
هل سياتي الأمان بطريقة سحرية؟؟
أم سيستمر مسلسل الدمار حتى يقول بوش للعالم: انظروا, كيف سنترك العراق يغرق في حرب أهلية؟؟؟
انظروا لهؤلاء البرابرة المساكين, كيف سنتركهم يأكل بعضهم بعضا...
ونحن نقول...كل الشرور جاءت معكم...ومنذ الحظة الأولى التي داست أقدامكم أرض العراق
لم نسمع سوى الكلام الجميل...والوعود
ولم نشاهد سوى الأفعال الشريرة...
وكلما مررت على القصور الرئاسية التي احتلوها..القصور التي بناها صدام حسين من دماء العراقيين وعرقهم.
ابتسم واتذكر قول الرسول الكريم :
لا تسكنوا في مساكن الظالمين فيصيبكم ما أصابهم من غضب الله...
وهذه اشارة أكيدة من الله...
ان الذين احتلوا العراق, سيكون مصيرهم مثل صدام حسين...
لكل طاغية نهاية.....

Thursday, May 20, 2004

18/5, Tuesday

Good Morning
The weather is beautiful today in Baghdad, the sky is clear, and the weather isn't very hot. Yesterday was a sad day.

In the morning, the head of the governing council was assassinated with a booby-trapped car. I heard the news of the assassination of the general manager of the house of Culture. It was a symbolic assassination. Culture - no relation to political positions.

The streets are filled with black cloth, hung on the walls, to inform every person that somebody has died. They write the name of the deceased, the reason of death, the names of his or her relatives, and the house where he or she will be mourned. This is the habit here.

You see many black cloths, written upon it: Somebody, the son of somebody, assassinated at the hands of a criminal assassination. You become sad for him, and for all of Iraq. Iraq has become a place of assassinations and blood shed, and who benifits?

Do those who blow up booby-trapped cars know that with every explosion of this kind, they give a justification for the Occupation to continue in Iraq?

Are the peopel who blow up these cars honorable Iraqis?

I doubt it, and as it said by those in the Iraqi street like myself: These explosions, targeting the police and Iraqi civilians, are not being done by honorable Iraqis at all. This is being done by the enemies of Iraq, who want us to remain in a lowly state, hidden in the darkness, and the Occupation will remain forever.

In these explosions, there will be found a justification for remaining tens of years in the future. The ignorant understands, when he reads these events every day, that Iraq will rise and be free when it elects leaders from itself, that it loves, respects and represents - and doesn't want foriegn powers to defend it. And when will this happen?

According to the present situation, this dream will not ever become a reality. Explosions will remain, the Occupation wil remain. The dream of a free, independent Iraq will remain a dream, distant. But we believe in God, and His justice, which comes, even after a long time.

Who would have believed that Saddam would fall? He who removed him, will remove others like him, even after a long time
Yesterday I had a lovely time in the American Language Center
We students spoke to the American teachers about different things, including marriage, our opinions of marriage outside of the law, illegitimate children.

I was surprised that our thoughts were so similar. One married American from the south - I think from Alabama - who has children, said that society tries to reassure people that these things are normal, but we don't accept it, because it's against the will of God, and we know in our hearts, what God wants. It's close to us and clear - even if society tries to convince us of the opposite. I didn't ask her who tried to convince them. But today I found the answer.

Most of the news on the internet was talking about how Boston allowed same sex marriages, even though most states don't allow it. Who is imposing their tastes on people over there?

Who wants to disturb people's minds so that they no longer know right from wrong?

Who wants to ruin the reputation of Western societies and its principles?

I remembered an article I wrote before some months, I said that there is media that ruins the picture of the West, and distances ourselves from them.

Isn't this the same press that ruins the reputation of Arabs and makes them enemies?

For whose interests do they work?

And where are they taking us?

Surely it takes us towards hatred and distance. It poisons minds, and brainwashes beautiful truths, and replaces them with ugly truths.

Is it the same that promotes unnatural relationships, corruption and same sex marriages?

The channels here are filled with their pictures, and they are celebrating, and kissing like husbands and wives. The pictures embarrases, disgusts and pains conservative families, who change the channel, or turn off the television in anger.

What do adults say to their small children?

These are the relationships of a developed society? Or the relationships of a society that is destroyed, and slipping away?

The war on Iraq divides the street between those who support, and those who are against. And the media wanders about in some distant place, as if it is trying to annoy and degrade humans.

How many homosexuals are there in society?

And why the outcry over their rights and freedoms?

It's only lies to keep people busy from mistakes & disasters that deserve attention, and require solutions. The media is the source of daily poison, broadcasting day and night. They are the ones who picture events as they like. And try to convince people of these ideas.

Thank God we don't live there. The disaster of war and the harshness of life here is easier than living in a society facing this kind of corruption and destruction. My friend from Boston says that she is sad and feels ashamed, because the name of her city is being ruined with these disgusting actions. I remembered that she told me once before that people there on Sundays go to Church, and the roads are closed because of traffic. Most people go to Church, which means that most of them have religion.
God created us from one soul, and He knows everything, all the truth. We are not different, even if religions are different. The prophets are brothers, God is one, and the teachings are one. The agreement over general principles creates the spirit of togetherness, of community. God is with community. But those who want to destroy the spirit of community, and corrupt society - they are the ones who broadcast these unnatural acts and make them attractive for people, to destroy the power of community.

Because if opinions become different, people fall away from each other, become weaker, and become unable to do anything useful. And if the spirit of individualism and selfishness become widespread, society becomes weak, and honorable people have no power. One neighbor will be a believer, the other one unnatural, and another a drug addict, and another one without religion. Another one will be lost, not knowing what he wants. How will they be gathered against a brutal enemy?

The spirit of community is destroyed, and its power is lost, and evil becomes victorious. The hand of God is with community, with togetherness, that's what the Qur'an says. That's also what we learn when we read our history.

The prophet Mohammd was a poor man, weak among his people. He stood against oppression and evil. Against the clan of Quraysh and the rich, oppressive powers, and their leaders. How did he become victorious and allow the religion of God to exist on earth?

He allowed justice and equality between people; mercy for the weak and the poor, and respect for ones elders and relations. And honesty in human relationships, and the fear of God at all times. How did he allow these beautiful qualities to become implanted in society, instead of values of corruption and oppression?

In the Arabian peninsula, power was to oppress the power. Tribes use to go to war over sheep. And baby girls were buried alive. The powerful were wealty, while the rest languished in poverty, hunger and slavery. Who helped him except God, the power that loves truth, and makes victorious those who defend Him. He makes them strong, and destroys their enemies, who think they are strong, because of their wealth and power and arrogance.
There are many sayings of the Prophet Mohammad, Peace be Upon Him. His miracle was not only the Qur'an. No, he also spoke about daily life, about things that happened and things that will happen. He says in one of his sayings, "Ask your heart, and it will answer, it will answer, it will answer." That is, three times. Ask your heart, and it will have a truthful answer. And if people tell you otherwise, don't believe it.

He talks here about the person with a clean heart, which isn't tarnished by sins and mistakes. Or the one that did sin, but remained seeking forgiveness and remembering his Lord, so that his heart would remain clean, knowing the truth from lies.

The Prophet Mohammad says in another saying: "All the sons of Adam make mistakes. And the best of those who make mistakes are those who repent." That is, those who repeatedly seek repentance from God.

The Prophet Mohammad says that God once sent an angel to destroy a village, filled with sinners. But the angel said, "But in this village is a man who sits in the mosque and prays. Will you send down punishment on him?

God says, Begin with him, because he did not order good, and did not prevent vice.
What is the value of life, if we live it without values, without principles? I always say, there will be day when truth will be victorious on earth. Maybe I won't be there then. But I will die with a clean concience. When God asks me on the day of Judgement, on what I did in a time when oppression and corruption ruled. Were you quiet, afraid?
Or did you participate in, encourage oppression?
Or selfishness?
Every work has its value with God. He is merciful, forgives, punishes, who he wills. Perhaps we will be among those who deserve his mercy on that day.

Translated by Diaa Hadid

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Good morning..
I put new pictures for Baghdad..
hope you`ll like it.
I`m waiting to put the translation of my last blog..
wish you all nice day.


good morning...
well ,this is my old friend..
I realy missed her poisoned emails..
now there is a new one..
but I still asking my self..
somebody hates me and my blogs..why they insint
reading and sending?
why don`t they keep reading pro-American bloggers?
and be happy??
and that blog was talking about GC member was written by khalid
so, if she likes to send her hateful email to khalid..
he will agree..

I hope all Iraqi women aren't like regards to the death of the governing council member...your comment was about the flag and the fact that you didnt know who he was...well if you took some time to look at the positive side of things instead of spreading your venom you would know what is going on.......Fox news has been showing photos of the Iraqi's who love the USA and President Bush........Thank God, all Iraqi's arent like you

P.J. Dahling

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

الثلاثاء 18/5
صباح الخير
الجو جميل اليوم في بغداد , السماء صافية, والشمس حرارتها ليست شديدة..
يوم أمس كان يوما حزينا ...
في الصباح اغتيل رئيس مجلس الحكم...بسيارة مفخخة.
وسمعت خبرا عن اغتيال مدير عام دار الشؤون الثقافية , وهو اغتيال لرمز ثقافي لا علاقة له بالمناصب السياسية...
والشوارع تمتليء بقطع قماش اسود معلقة على الجدران, تنبيء كل واحدة عن موت شخص, يكتبون اسمه وسبب الوفاة, وأقاربه, وعنوان مكان دار العزاء, هكذا العادة هنا....وترى كثيرا من القطع السوداء مكتوب عليها, فلان بن فلان, اغتالته يد مجرمة آثمة....فتحزن عليه وعلى العراق كله...
العراق صار ساحة الإغتيالات وسفك الدماء...
ومن المستفيد؟؟
هل يعلم الذين يفجرون السيارات المفخخة انهم بكل عملية من هذا النوع , يعطون مبررا لبقاء الإحتلال في العراق؟
هل الذين يفجرون هذه السيارات هم من العراقيين الشرفاء؟
أشك في ذلك, وكما يقول كل من في الشارع العراقي مثلي..
هذه التفجيرات التي تستهدف مراكز الشرطة أو المدنيين العراقيين, لا يفعلها عراقي شريف أبدا...
هذه يفعلها أعداء العراقيين الذين يريدون لنا أن نظل تائهين ونتخبط في الظلام..
والإحتلال سيظل الى الأبد....سيجد في هذه التفجيرات المبرر لبقائة عشرات السنين الى الأمام...
والجاهل يفهم حين يقرأ الأحداث والأخبار كل يوم...
العراق ينهض ويتحرر حين ينتخب قيادة منه...تحبه وتحترمه وتعبر عنه.. ولا تريد قوى اجنبية تحميها.
ومتى سيحدث هذا ؟؟
حسب الوضع الحالي , كأن هذا المطلب لن يتحقق أبدا...
ستظل التفجيرات, ويظل الإحتلال...ويبقى الحلم بعراق مستقل حر...حلما بعيدا....
لكننا نؤمن برب السموات وعدالته التي تنزل ولو بعد حين...
من كان يصدق ان صدام سيمضي؟؟
الذي خلعه, سيخلع غيره من الظالمين, وأن طال الزمان....
بالأمس قضيت وقتا ممتعا في معهد اللغات الأمريكي..
تحدثنا نحن الطالبات مع المدرسات الأمريكيات عن أمور مختلفة, ومنها الزواج , ونظرتنا للزواج غير الشرعي, والأطفال غير الشرعيين..
وتفاجأت أن افكارنا متشابهة...
تقول الأمريكية المتزوجة, وعندها أطفال , وهي من ولاية جنوبية..أظن من الباما..
تقول ان المجتمع يحاول اقناع الناس ان هذه اشياء طبيعية, ولكننا نرفضها...
لأنها ضد ارادة الرب..ونعلم في قلوبنا , ما هي ارادة الرب...نحسها قريبة وواضحة..حتى لو حاولت المجتمع اقناعنا عكس ذلك..
لم اسألها من الذي يحاول اقناعكم..
لكني اليوم اكتشفت الجواب...
كانت معظم عناوين الأخبار على الأنترنت تتكلم عن سماح ولاية بوستن لزواج الشاذين...حيث معظم الولايات تمنع ذلك..
من الذي يفرض هذا الذوق على الناس هناك؟
من الذي يريد تشويه عقول الناس حتى لا تعود تعرف الصح من الخطأ ؟
من الذي يريد تشويه سمعة المجتمع الغربي وقيمه ومبادئه؟؟؟
تذكرت المقالة التي كتبتها قبل شهور...وقلت ثمة إعلام يشوه صورة الغرب فيبعدنا عنهم....
ويشوه صورتنا ويبعدهم عنا..
اليس هذا الإعلام نفسه الذي يشوه صورة لعرب والمسلمين ويجعلهم الأعداء؟؟
من يملك هذا الإعلام؟؟
ولمصلحة من يعمل؟؟
والى أين يسير بنا؟؟؟
هو بالتأكيد يسير بنا نحو البغض والتباعد....ويتجه بنا نحو الهاوية.
يسمم العقول,,ويغسل الأدمغة من حقائق جميلة , ويستبدلها بحقائق بشعة.
هو نفسه الذي يروج للعلاقات غير الشرعية, والفساد, وزواج الشاذين؟؟
والقنوات هناك تمتليء بصورهم وهم فرحون, ويقبلون بعضهم..كأزواج وزوجات...
وخجل وخزي مما يحدث, يؤلم العوائل المحافظة فتغير المحطة أو تطفيء التلفزيون غضبا...
ماذا يقول الناس لأولادهم الصغار؟؟
هذه علامات مجتمع متطور؟؟
ام علامات مجتمع يتحطم وينهار....
الحرب على العراق تقسم الشارع هناك بين مؤيد ورافض...
ووسائل الإعلام تدور في أفلاك بعيدة مقززة...كأنها تستفز وتهين الإنسان .
كم نسبة الشاذين في المجتمع؟
ولماذا البكاء عليهم وعلى حقوقهم وحريتهم؟
مجرد اكاذيب لأشغال الناس عما يحدث من أخطاء وكوارث تستحق الإنتباه...وايجاد الحلول لها...
الإعلام هو مصدر السموم اليومي الذي يبث صباح مساء...
والذي يرسم الأشياء كما يريد هو...ويحاول اقناع الناس بهذه الأفكار...
الحمد لله انني لا أعيش هناك...
كارثة الحرب والحياة القاسية هنا...أهون من العيش في مجتمع يتعرض لهذا الفساد والخراب .
تقول صديقتي التي من بوستن انها حزينة وتشعر بالعار...لأن اسم الولاية تشوه بهذه الأفعال القبيحة.
وتذكرت انها قالت في مرة سابقة ان الناس يوم الأحد يذهبون للكنائس ويغلقون الطرقات من ازدحام سياراتهم...
معظم الناس يذهبون للكنيسة يعني معظم الناس عندهم دين...
الله خلقنا من نفس واحدة, وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها...والحقائق كلها...
لا نختلف حتى لو اختلفت الأديان...الرسل أخوة , والرب واحد, والتعاليم واحدة.
والإتفاق على مباديء عامة, يخلق روح الجماعة...والله مع الجماعة.
لكن الذين يريدون تحطيم روح الجماعة وافساد المجتمع, هم الذين يشيعون هذه الفواحش ويزينوها للناس, ليحطموا قوة ذلك المجتمع.
فإن تفرقت آراء الناس تفرقوا...وضعفوا..وما عادوا قادرين على فعل شيء مفيد ...
وان شاعت روح الفردية والأنانية , تفسخ المجتمع, وما عاد للشرفاء قوة.
فترى جارك مؤمن, والآخر شاذ, والآخر مدمن مخدرات, والآخر لا دين له, والآخر تائه لا يدري ما يريد...
كيف ستجمعهم ضد عدو ما يفترسهم ؟؟؟
تحطمت روح الجماعة...وضاعت قوتهم..وانتصر الشر .
والإسلام دين الجماعة...
ويد الله مع الجماعة...هكذا يقول القرآن...
وهكذا نتعلم حين نقرأ تاريخنا..
النبي محمد كان رجلا فقيرا ضعيفا في قومه...
ووقف ضد الظلم والشر...ضد قبيلة قريش القوية المتجبرة الغنية ...وقائدة الكفر والشر..
كيف انتصر عليهم وحقق دين الله على الأرض ؟؟
حقق العدالة والمساواة بين الناس, والرحمة بالضعيف والفقير..واحترام الوالدين
والأقارب, والصدق في التعامل مع الناس, والخوف من الله في السر والعلن...
كيف رسخ قيما نبيلة وشريفة في المجتمع , بدلا من قيم فاسدة وظالمة؟؟
كانت جزيرة العرب فيها القوي يظلم الضعيف..والقبائل تتقاتل بينها من أجل الغنائم...والبنات يتم دفنهن وهن صغيرات وعلى قيد الحياة....والطبقة السائدة غنية ومترفة...والباقين جياع وفقراء وعبيد...
من ساعده سوى رب قوي يحب الحق, وينصر من يدافع عنه..
ويجعله قويا...ويحطم عدوه الذي ظن نفسه قويا بماله وسلطانه وكبريائه .
للرسول محمد عليه السلام, احاديث عن كل شيء...
معجزته لم تكن القرآن وحده...
بل ما تحدث به عن امور حياتنا, التي مضت والتي ستأتي..
يقول في أحد أحاديثه, استفت قلبك, وإن افتوك, وإن أفتوك, وإن افتوك...
يعني ثلاث مرات...اسأل قلبك, ففيه الجواب الحقيقي..وان أخبروك غير ذلك, لا تصدقهم.
وهو هنا يتكلم عن صاحب القلب النظيف..الذي لم تدنسه الذنوب والخطايا..أو الذي اصابته الذنوب ,لكنه ظل يستغفر ويذكر ربه, ليظل قلبه سليما نظيفا...يعرف الحق من الباطل....
ويقول في حديث آخر: كل ابن آدم خطاء...وخير الخطائين, التوابون., اي الذين
يكثرون من طلب التوبة من رب العالمين ..
ويقول ان الله أرسل ملائكة العذاب ليدمروا قرية ما..ارتكب اهلها الذنوب, فقالت الملائكة, لكن فيها رجلا يجلس في المسجد ويصلي...
هل ننزل عليه العذاب؟؟
فقال الله تعالى, بل به تبدؤون, لأنه لم يأمر بمعروف ...ولم ينه عن منكر .
ما قيمة الحياة...
ان عشناها بلا قيم ...بلا مباديء؟؟
واظل أقول دائما...
سيأتي يوم ينتصر فيه الحق على الأرض..
ربما لن أكون موجودة آنذاك...
لكني أموت وأنا مرتاحة الضمير...
حين سيسألني رب العالمين يوم القيامة..
عما فعلته في زمن شاع فيه الظلم والفساد ..
هل بقيت صامتة خائفة؟؟
أم شاركت وشجعت الظالم ؟؟
ام انانية ولا يهمني غيري؟؟
كل عمل له جزاء عند رب العالمين...
يرحم , ويغفر, ويعذب, لمن يشاء.....
وعسانا نكون ممن يستحق رحمته آنذاك....

good morning..
yes, I still see the rainbow after the storm...
thank you my friend..

hi there ms faiza,

After reading a few of your blogs, I'm truely amazed with how much of an intelligent, head strong woman you are. After everything that's happening, and continuing to happen; you still see the rainbow after the storm. I wish good things upon you, because you certainly deserve them.

I just wanted to offer you some words of encouragement, and let you know that you have inspired me to do more with my life. I, too, have gone through such country uncertainities such as yourself. I immigrated to canada (with my wife and daughter), from the killing fields of cambodia in 1985. More than 2,000,000 of my people were slaughtered, used as sex slaves, and worked to death. It is important for me to remember my past, thank you for reminding me of where I came from and my responsibilities as an immigrant-turned citizen. Things will look up, and things will get better. You dont need me to tell you that, you already know they will.

Thank you.. just, thank you. You are truely what the world needs right now.


L. Lay,
Victoria, BC

Good morning..
this is new email from a new friend..
I get many emails like this one ,daily..
it makes me feel happy..
and gives me the hope that every thing is going to be better
if we all loved peace and helped each other to get it, someday....

To you and your family. I apologise for not writing in your language but
like most English speakers I know no other.
My heart goes out to you and all Iraquis who are caught in a horrifying
hellish situation not of their making.
I want to say that the people of Iraq are in the thoughts of all
reasonable people around the world. Most people in the world are
reasonable so that although I am sure that for Iraquis their situation
appears isolated and terrifying; they need to know that there are many,
many people around the world that DO care and who want to see this horror
end now.
Winter is beginning here in New Zealand and this morning was the first
time we had to heat the house while the children got up and got ready for
school. Brrrrh! But although it is cold it is a beautiful morning with
the sun shining brightly and everybody smiles as they greet each other in
the streets.
We have just moved to this smallish town after nearly 10 years in a NZ's
biggest city and we are a little worried that it will be colder than we are
used to down here but the people are so much friendlier and the winters are
much drier than further North so I am looking forward to this winter as a
new experience.
I would like to thank you for your interesting and insightful web-log that
helps us all see that Iraquis are the same humans as everywhere else no
matter what politicians and other greed heads try and tell them. The more
that people around the world talk and understand each other the harder it
will be for those people to get us to fight each other. The 'leaders' that
start wars are always far more like each other than they are like the
people they get to kill each other. Bush and Saddam see the world in the
same ugly way, and although it would be truly awful to hold that perverse
world view we cant let ourselves feel sorry for them, the best we can do is
try and make sure that we don't encourage that attitude in those around us
particularly our children.
I hope that today is a good day for you and your family too.

Kind Regards to you all,

Phil Sinclair

Good morning..
I put new pictures from Baghdad..
hope you `ll like it...
about me..I`m writing my new blog..
hope you all have a nice day..

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Thursday may, 13

Good morning…
News is still the same…
If you don’t listen to news for two or three days and go back again to find that they are still talking about the exact same things…
That reminded me of the Iraq-Iran war…
I wasn’t living in Iraq that time, but I was following news just like everyone else did…
How did Saddam manage to keep the hate level towards Iran so high for eight long years?
How did he make Iraqi people fight Iranian people? A Muslim kills a Muslim?
How come?
I mean, how did he arrange it the way that made people in both sides hate and fight each other, while they are neighbors and follow one religion?
Eight years of continues lying, misleading and twisting facts, and creating an atmosphere of hate, to keep war going….
At the beginning, he attempted them by money, high salaries, cars and lands for the families of those who die fighting, money flowed to make people drawn in their ignorance…
Who was supplying saddam with weapons?
Isn’t it America?
A crazy war that took lives, burned everything and destroyed peace for long coming years…
Then it ended in a stupid way, just like the beginning…
And the result, was two exhausted sides…and that was the goal, and millions of dead people in both sides, orphans and widows, sadness and painful memories…that’s all what's left.
Bosh and his administration, are reading the same book that saddam was reading that time, the book of evil…
An explosion happened in an Iraqi university and killed students, saddam visited the injured students in the hospital, the same night of the explosions, saddam was on TV, he made his famous promise" wallah, wallah, wallah" , he swear god three times, that he would revenge for those dead students…
And he used his wise way for revenge, and caused million of people to die in both sides, this is the revenge language, we knew it and tried it, and there is no language that is uglier than it, and no way is worse than it in solving problems between human beings.
We have a say: read the history to know the present…an here I am reading in the book of memories, the book of wars, destruction and sadness, what good did wars give to the humanity?
It separated them and never united them, made them even further of each other and never brought them any closer, all in order to keep hate and anger in maximum level, ready to explode at any moment to start a new war story, with whole new excuses.
Isn’t that what bush did right after 9/11? And who did it at the first place?
Don’t tell me its those half naked people in Afghanistan who haven’t learned reading and writing yet…
I keep telling myself every time things cool down: wait, it will get crazy all over again with a new story, and that what happens usually.
Wicked minds keep working day and night, to produce stories to distract people and keep them busy, the story of torturing Iraqi prisoners embarrasses the western media, so they make new stories to drag the attention of those who are against war to another issue, that keeps them angry, and the war keep going…
Now the story of the prisoner that was beheaded, who did that? We Iraqis sink in our questions, who are those scum who want to ruin our reputation? If we want to behead, Baghdad is filled with American solders, why didn’t we behead any of them? If we are so barbaric!
Why the picture of beheading is only on internet, never in streets, doesn’t that tell you something? Who made these pictures?
Who are those anti-Islam who run these web sites? Who finances them? Who id behind them?
Who supports them to ruin the image of Islam?
We are sick of these nonsense stories, that fires the hate of the ignorant naive people, and makes us their enemies, while we are innocent…
We wait for peace and security to happen in Iraq, and every day passes like a long year, and then these stories come to tell us that we'll never have the peace we are looking for…
As long as there is someone who is planning for more killing and blood shading…
And probably other bloody explosions will happen here and there, to shut the mouths that call for peace and ending wars, and wars keep going on and on, will the evil ones achieve their goals, no matter what the loses are, Iraqis, Americans, what matters is that war keep going on, the people of the world, who don’t know what's going on around us…
When I go to the English language institute…all of us, Iraqi and American women, smile ad laugh together, and we talk about everything but war, one of my American friends say that she feel spoiled in Baghdad, her Iraqi neighbors send her Iraqi delicious dishes most of the week, so she rarely cocks, and her husband loves Iraqi food and asked her to learn how to make it, and he hangs out with Iraqi friends and go to smoke "nargeela", and they surround him with care and make sure no one hurts him…she says that she and her husband are very comfortable here in Baghdad…she says that she lived in Jordan for two years. even her friends their were Iraqis, then we taught her how to make Iraqi rise, and we laughed about the stories of love and marriage, kids and raising them, family, relatives and friends, all the stories are the same, they didn’t hear something they thought it was strange from us, and we didn’t hear something we thought it was strange, we felt that they are away from their home, and that they deserve our care, they are our guests, and its not of our virtues to mistreat guests…but as soon as I leave the institution…I know that I am in another world now, a world with different rules…where there is an occupation army, and an occupied country.
Now the story starts all over again with Syria, WMD, human rights, helping Saddam's regime, another boring show is going to start there, and disasters are going to happen there, and there will be silence from the Arab governments, who are afraid of Bush and his drums, that he knocks at any moment, to declare that some country somewhere, has become a new enemy…
I imagine him going to bed every night, tired and stressed, has he ever asked himself: what did I do for the humanity?
Did I leave good memories, or is my memory going to be attached to wars and destruction like Saddam?
I can't picture him sitting with his wife and children, smiling like a kind father, getting involved in the world of politics and wars, kills men from inside…
What's left of the human when he loses his feelings, when he don’t regret his mistakes, I wonder, does Bush regret what he did? Did saddam regret what he did?
The moment a person feels regret and ask himself about what he did, is the best moment in his life, because it proves that his conscience isn’t dead yet, that conscience is what tells him the deference between right and wrong, truth and lies, beauty and ugliness…

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