Sunday, May 16, 2004

Thursday may, 13

Good morning…
News is still the same…
If you don’t listen to news for two or three days and go back again to find that they are still talking about the exact same things…
That reminded me of the Iraq-Iran war…
I wasn’t living in Iraq that time, but I was following news just like everyone else did…
How did Saddam manage to keep the hate level towards Iran so high for eight long years?
How did he make Iraqi people fight Iranian people? A Muslim kills a Muslim?
How come?
I mean, how did he arrange it the way that made people in both sides hate and fight each other, while they are neighbors and follow one religion?
Eight years of continues lying, misleading and twisting facts, and creating an atmosphere of hate, to keep war going….
At the beginning, he attempted them by money, high salaries, cars and lands for the families of those who die fighting, money flowed to make people drawn in their ignorance…
Who was supplying saddam with weapons?
Isn’t it America?
A crazy war that took lives, burned everything and destroyed peace for long coming years…
Then it ended in a stupid way, just like the beginning…
And the result, was two exhausted sides…and that was the goal, and millions of dead people in both sides, orphans and widows, sadness and painful memories…that’s all what's left.
Bosh and his administration, are reading the same book that saddam was reading that time, the book of evil…
An explosion happened in an Iraqi university and killed students, saddam visited the injured students in the hospital, the same night of the explosions, saddam was on TV, he made his famous promise" wallah, wallah, wallah" , he swear god three times, that he would revenge for those dead students…
And he used his wise way for revenge, and caused million of people to die in both sides, this is the revenge language, we knew it and tried it, and there is no language that is uglier than it, and no way is worse than it in solving problems between human beings.
We have a say: read the history to know the present…an here I am reading in the book of memories, the book of wars, destruction and sadness, what good did wars give to the humanity?
It separated them and never united them, made them even further of each other and never brought them any closer, all in order to keep hate and anger in maximum level, ready to explode at any moment to start a new war story, with whole new excuses.
Isn’t that what bush did right after 9/11? And who did it at the first place?
Don’t tell me its those half naked people in Afghanistan who haven’t learned reading and writing yet…
I keep telling myself every time things cool down: wait, it will get crazy all over again with a new story, and that what happens usually.
Wicked minds keep working day and night, to produce stories to distract people and keep them busy, the story of torturing Iraqi prisoners embarrasses the western media, so they make new stories to drag the attention of those who are against war to another issue, that keeps them angry, and the war keep going…
Now the story of the prisoner that was beheaded, who did that? We Iraqis sink in our questions, who are those scum who want to ruin our reputation? If we want to behead, Baghdad is filled with American solders, why didn’t we behead any of them? If we are so barbaric!
Why the picture of beheading is only on internet, never in streets, doesn’t that tell you something? Who made these pictures?
Who are those anti-Islam who run these web sites? Who finances them? Who id behind them?
Who supports them to ruin the image of Islam?
We are sick of these nonsense stories, that fires the hate of the ignorant naive people, and makes us their enemies, while we are innocent…
We wait for peace and security to happen in Iraq, and every day passes like a long year, and then these stories come to tell us that we'll never have the peace we are looking for…
As long as there is someone who is planning for more killing and blood shading…
And probably other bloody explosions will happen here and there, to shut the mouths that call for peace and ending wars, and wars keep going on and on, will the evil ones achieve their goals, no matter what the loses are, Iraqis, Americans, what matters is that war keep going on, the people of the world, who don’t know what's going on around us…
When I go to the English language institute…all of us, Iraqi and American women, smile ad laugh together, and we talk about everything but war, one of my American friends say that she feel spoiled in Baghdad, her Iraqi neighbors send her Iraqi delicious dishes most of the week, so she rarely cocks, and her husband loves Iraqi food and asked her to learn how to make it, and he hangs out with Iraqi friends and go to smoke "nargeela", and they surround him with care and make sure no one hurts him…she says that she and her husband are very comfortable here in Baghdad…she says that she lived in Jordan for two years. even her friends their were Iraqis, then we taught her how to make Iraqi rise, and we laughed about the stories of love and marriage, kids and raising them, family, relatives and friends, all the stories are the same, they didn’t hear something they thought it was strange from us, and we didn’t hear something we thought it was strange, we felt that they are away from their home, and that they deserve our care, they are our guests, and its not of our virtues to mistreat guests…but as soon as I leave the institution…I know that I am in another world now, a world with different rules…where there is an occupation army, and an occupied country.
Now the story starts all over again with Syria, WMD, human rights, helping Saddam's regime, another boring show is going to start there, and disasters are going to happen there, and there will be silence from the Arab governments, who are afraid of Bush and his drums, that he knocks at any moment, to declare that some country somewhere, has become a new enemy…
I imagine him going to bed every night, tired and stressed, has he ever asked himself: what did I do for the humanity?
Did I leave good memories, or is my memory going to be attached to wars and destruction like Saddam?
I can't picture him sitting with his wife and children, smiling like a kind father, getting involved in the world of politics and wars, kills men from inside…
What's left of the human when he loses his feelings, when he don’t regret his mistakes, I wonder, does Bush regret what he did? Did saddam regret what he did?
The moment a person feels regret and ask himself about what he did, is the best moment in his life, because it proves that his conscience isn’t dead yet, that conscience is what tells him the deference between right and wrong, truth and lies, beauty and ugliness…

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