Sunday, May 23, 2004

Saturday, May 22
Good morning…
Although the world news is getting mixed with each other, it's generally similar; injustice and darkness are controlling the world…
This is the news in brief…
Few days ago, Israeli tanks destroyed hundreds of houses in Rafah, south of Gaza strip, and killed more than 120 Palestinian civilians. Hospitals were filled with bodies and blood….
Yesterday, two thousand Israeli peace activists led by members of the Israeli parliament launched demonstrations against Sharon's hostility, and clashed with the Israeli police …
We thank them, as we believe that there still exist some honorable people who refuse injustice against human being…
Those were Israelis, what about the Arabs??
In Najef, there have been fighting and clashes between the occupation troops and Al-Sader followers, a demonstration was organized in the city, by another pro-bush shia`a party against Al –Sader...
They are dividing people's opinions, so that the truth will be lost.
In Manama, Bahrain, demonstrations have started against occupation forces that entered Najef. As a result of that, the minister of interior affairs was relieved…
Everything is prohibited (i.e. stay at home doing nothing but eating, drinking and sleeping like sheep). That is what the Arab governments are doing with their people to satisfy the USA.
Al-Chalabi threatened America…
The Friends of yesterday are enemies now. Bremer has given orders to the Iraqi Police for breaking into his house and his party headquarters.
This man's reputation has fallen down…USA accused him of giving secret information to Iran.
We, Iraqis, are mocking at this thing because accusations are always ready for anyone who challenges the USA.
Yesterday, he was one of the best candidates for the presidency. Now, he is not qualified.
Donations campaign has started in order to help the people of al-Falluja re-build their destructed city. Everybody who has heard participated in this campaign, believing that we are one nation after all, sharing the same pain.
Unfortunately, the Arab neighbors are sleeping deeply, what a pity!
How are they going to defend themselves before their God on judgment day?
The Arab Summit has started this morning, and the question raised was what they are going to do. Are they going to decline and deny –as usual- what had happened in Iraq and Palestine in their speeches?
If I were them, I would feel ashamed of coming and participating in such a meeting.
Most of the Arab people never cared for such summits because there would be no results but great halls, cameras, pens and papers, and finally useless announcement.
Lets all admit that it's time of cowardice and failure for Arabs.
The evil has succeeded in breaking all the bonds and ties among brothers…
God describes humans in the beginning of holy Quran, at the start of surat Al-Bakarah, And He classified them into three types:
Believers, and described them in two verses. Unbelievers, and described them in two verses. And the hypocrites, and described them in more than ten verses.
The majority of people is either sleeping or engaged with its daily life, exactly just like J. Orwell's description in his novel "1984".
They were just like ants …fully busy with silly matters that make them blind for what's going on around them…
As he foretold in his novel, the "Big brother" has been into all houses and controlled the minds, and kept brain-washing people…
The communist system lasted for 70 years, it was full of lies, injustice and fact disfiguring…People in Russia have come back to live freely.
And for Iraqis, Saddam regime lasted for 35 years, and finally fell down, forever…
Now we have opened our eyes once again but unfortunately the" Big brother" has come to control our minds and our life…
We are sure that "he" will go away and fall down, sooner or later...
Then we'll smile…
And the God will smile in His highness…
God said in surat fatir "Have they not traveled in the land, and seen what was the end of those before them -though they were superior to them in power? Allah is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth escapes Him. Verily, he is all-knowing, all-own-impotent."

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