Thursday, December 01, 2005

الخميس 1 كانون الاول 2005
صباح الخير.....
الأخبار من العراق كثيرة ومتنوعة, ولكني أراها تمشي في الاتجاه الصحيح, طبعا لست أقصد اتجاه بوش , لكن إتجاه حقيقي ومنطقي ينبغي ان يحدث على أرض الواقع...
أرى أن العراقيين يفهمون ما هي الديمقراطية وما هي حرية التعبير, وهم يتمتعون بأخلاق عالية في التعامل بها , لست أٌقصد طبعا شلة المليشيات والعصابات الدموية , لكن الشعب بصورة عامة, الشعب البعيد عن كاميرات الاعلام الغربي, يعيش تجربته الحقيقية في الكفاح للحصول على حق التعبير وحق مناقشة ما يحدث على أرض العراق, وما سيأتي به المستقبل

بعد أقل من 3 سنوات, أرى مواقف العراقيين صارت أكثر وضوحا ونضوجا وصلابة, وهذا يسعدني, ويعطيني الإنطباع ان الأمور تمشي في الاتجاه الصحيح, وأن العراقيين شعب يملك الوعي والذكاء اللذين سيمكنانه من الخروج من ظلمات الإحتلال, وقوى الظلام التي دخلت العراق مع الإحتلال البغيض, وعاثت بالعراق تمزيقا وتدميرا...

كنت وما زلت اقول إن رهاني الوحيد, هو وعي وذكاء العراقيين, رغم كل ما يحيطهم من ظلم و ظلام ومن قوات عسكرية وجيوش واسلحة ولصوص ومرتزقه , تتربص بالعراق وشعبه, لكن تاريخ 6000 سنة من حضارة انسانية ظهرت على أرض الرافدين, هي التي تعطي التميز لهذا الشعب والقدرة على الصمود في هذه المحن...

كنت وما زلت أقول ان المسألة مسألة وقت...وسيأتي التغيير الواضح مع الوقت, سيزداد وعي الناس, وسيتعلمون كيف يميزون بين الكذب والحقيقة, وسيتعلمون مع الوقت تمييز الأحزاب أو القادة الذين يعملون من اجلهم, وتمييزهم عن الإنتهازيين الذين يتسلقون على أكتافهم , وستقدم الأيام والسنين القادمة قادة جدد للعراق , سيرى الشعب أن تحقيق مطالبه في الحرية والإستقلال والحياة الكريمة وبناء الوطن ستكون بالوقوف مع هؤلاء القادة
وسيسقط القرود الذين صفقوا وساندوا وجود قوات أجنبية على أرض العراق...
وسيخرج الإحتلال أولا , ثم شركاته التي ستأتي لتسرق خيرات العراق, ثانيا ...
أعلم أن الطريق طويل , لكن الحلم يستحق الثبات والتضحيات من أجله......
وسينصر الله عباده المؤمنين,
وهو ملاذهم الآن , وقت الشدة ووقت المحنة....
ولن يخذل من آمن به, وتوكل عليه......
في تقارير لمحطات عراقية محلية, ولقاءات مع أناس عاديين أو مسؤولين حكوميين او رجال ونساء من أحزاب معارضة , أقدر أن أقرأ أحداث العراق الى أين تتوجه
قبل يومين كان ثمة ندوة وحوار بين تيارين ووجهتي نظر عما يحدث في العراق والى أين يتوجه..
التيار الحكومي يقول أن كل شيء يجري على ما يرام , وأن الأحوال تحسنت, وأن البعض يبالغ بقصص التجاوزات التي تحدث في الشارع العراقي...
وأن المداهمات تحدث للقبض على الارهابيين , وأن بعض التجاوزات الصغيرة والظلم يحدث هنا وهناك

التيار المعارض يقول : أن ليس هنالك مبالغات, وأن المعتقلات والسجون كثيرة , وأن الجمعيات العراقية للدفاع عن حقوق الانسان , للرجال والنساء, لديها وثائق وأسماء للضحايا وتفاصيل العذاب والظلم الذي أقترف ضدهم, وأن الحكومة تتهرب من التحقيق ومعاقبة المسيئين
ونحن لا نعترض على مداهمات وقبض على ارهابيين, لكننا نطالب باحترام انسانية المواطن العراقي, و عدم المداهمة الا بأمر القضاء وأن يعرض المتهم على قاضي خلال 24 ساعة او اكثر بقليل , وأن تكون غرف الاعتقال فيها احترام للناس , لا تضعوا 300 واحد في غرفة, لا يقدرون على التنفس ولا النوم ولا الراحة, هذا لا يجوز
واسمحوا للمعتقلين برؤية اهاليهم, واسمحوا للمعتقلين بتكليف محامي للدفاع ...
لسنا نطلب منكم معجزات, انتم تقولون انكم حكومة جاءت منتخبة بإسم الشعب, وتعملون من أجل الشعب, وهؤلاء المعتقلين , أليسوا هم أبناء هذا الشعب ؟
كلنا نريد العيش بأمان بدون ارهاب وعنف وقتل ولصوص, لكننا لا نريد ظلم احد او الإساءة لأحد, هؤلاء المعتقلين معظم الاحيان يطلعون أبرياء, طيب حاكموا المذنبين واطلقوا سراح الأبرياء , لا تحتفظوا بهم في السجون من أجل أسباب أخرى
( أنا أعرف الاسباب الأخرى تعني : الإبتزاز وطلب المال من اهل المعتقل
كما حدث لنا حين اعتقلوا ابني خالد )
طبعا مندوب الحكومة إحمر وجهه وقال انا اوافقك يا أخي كلامك صحيح ونحن سنحاسب الذين يتجاوزون
ابتسمت وتمنيت ان اكون في الجلسة لأسأله : متى ستحاسبوهم ؟
الحكومة جاءت منذ 10 شهور تقريبا, ومازالت نفس الأخطاء والممارسات السخيفة, معظم الناس في الشارع العراقي صاروا يتذمرون من عيوب هذه الحكومة , وكل شهر يعدون ان الاحوال ستتحسن وان ثمة خططا عظيمة ستأتي, ولا شيء سوى الظلم والاخبار المؤلمة , وفضائح اكثر عن تجاوزات واعتقالات وانتهاكات حقوق انسان...
اما الخدمات, فما عاد الناس يسألون عنها, الناس مرعوبين ومشغولين بقصص المفقودين أو المسجونين , هذه الملفات طغت على باقي المتطلبات....

وقال مندوب الحكومة أن بعض التجاوزات تتم من قبل ضباط وزارة الداخلية العراقية لأنهم من العهد المباد
( ههه, هذا مصطلح لطيف , يذكرني بمبيد الحشرات )
المهم, رد عليه مندوب المعارضة وقال يااخي نفس القصة تتكرر كل يوم تقريبا , تأتي سيارات شرطة عراقية بعد الساعة
ليلا لتحاصر منطقة معينة, وتهجم على البيوت, وتكسر الأثاث وتعتقل الرجال , وتأخذهم , أحيانا يجدوهم مقتولين بعد أيام والجثث مرمية في الشوارع, أو الطب العدلي, وأحيانا يختفون...
وهؤلاء الشرطة يلبسون الزي الرسمي للشرطة, ويستعملون هواتف الشرطة النقالة الرسمية ويتكلمون بها, ويستعملون سيارات الشرطة الرسمية , كيف يقول انهم ليسوا من الشرطة؟
أو هم مجرد متجاوزين ؟
بالأمس رأيت تقريرن على محطة عراقية غير حكومية :
في الصباح في محافظة النجف : لقاء مع عائلة وجيران رجل عراقي تم مداهمة بيته وقتله بالسكين امام زوجته واطفاله , من قبل قوات أمريكية معها قوات حرس وطني عراقي
وعرضت الكاميرا جثة الرجل وقد تم خياطة بطنه كلها الى حد الرقبة, ووجهه ملطخ بدماء نزيف من فمه وانفه...
والناس صرخت وشتمت بوش وجيشه وحربه على الإرهاب وقالوا : هل هذه محاربة ارهاب؟
تدخلون بيوت الناس وتقتلون الرجل امام عائلته؟
هذا هو الارهاب !
أما أنا فبقيت احدق في الشاشة.....

مهما كان ذنبه , لا ينبغي قتله هكذا أمام عائلته , أين سلطة المحاكم و القضاء إذن؟
ثم إن اميركا شنت الحرب على العراق, واسقطت الدولة كلها من أجل أن تعلم العراقيين دروسا في أحترام سلطة القانون والقضاء العادل
طيب, ماذا تفعل قوات الاحتلال؟
هل هذه أفعال دولة ديمقراطية تحترم القانون؟
هل هذه القدوة الجديدة للعراقيين, بعد صدام حسين الفاشستي؟
ماذا قدمتم للعراقيين من بديل ؟؟

في المساء, تقرير ثان من مدينة الصدر ببغداد :
مداهمة بيت ونبش الاغراض , واعتقال رجال البيت, وظلت النساء ترتعش وتصرخ , وجاء الرجال من الجيران, وهم يحملون اغطية الطلقات وغطاء لم افهم ما هو, تبين من الحديث انه غطاء ( سيفونة ) علبة بيرة اجنبية
وقال الشهود : هؤلاء من الجيش الامريكي , اقتحموا البيت واطلقوا الرصاص , وهم يسكرون ويشربون الخمر...
بقيت احدق في الشاشة.....

طيب هذه تصرفات كارثية تستفز الناس وتبغض اليهم وجود الاحتلال...
جيش الاحتلال يدق بيديه مسامير النعوش.....
ويدفع العراقيين الى تبني فكرة طردهم ,
بهذه التصرفات الخرقاء......

ثم رأيت على احد مواقع الإنترنت كيف تتحرك سيارت عسكرية امريكية داخل المدن العراقية, في الشوارع, وكيف يطلق النار عشوائيا على أية سيارة مدنية تقترب....
وكما قال الناس في التقارير التي رأيتها على المحطات العراقية: ان قوات الاحتلال تتعامل بإستهتار مع الدم العراقي, يقتلون الناس في الشوارع, ثم يقولون اعطوا تعويض عن كل واحد يقدم اهله للشكوى, 2000
دولار على ما اظن
هاي هيه.....
كل عراقي مدني تقتله قوات الاحتلال , ادفعوا لأهله تعويضا, وانتهت المشكلة !
يا عيني ع الحكمة والعدالة التي تم تنسيقها بين الحكومة العراقية الحالية, وجيش الاحتلال, لحل مشاكل العراقيين المزعجين....

طيب اذا كانت هذه هي تصرفات الفئة القابضة على السلطة في العراق الان
لماذا ننتقد العصابات من الذين يخطفون الأجانب ويقتلوهم
او يخطفون العراقيين ويقتلوهم؟
المثل يقول :
الاخلاق السائدة هي اخلاق الطبقة السائدة
يعني هذه العصابات الاجرامية في العراق
قدوتها هي قوات الاحتلال وممارساتها
فعلى من نعتب ؟
ومن الذي يستحق ايقافه عند حده أولا ؟

ثم رأيت بوش في الاخبار, يقول انه لن يسحب جيوشه من العراق حتى يحقق النصر الكامل.....
أعجبتني هذه صفة النصر...الرجل عنده طموحات عالية,
يريده نصرا كاملا غير منقوص....
أظنه يشبه الإستقلال الكامل غير المنقوص الذي يريده العراقيون.....

أميركا بدأت تخسر في العراق...
بدات تخسر سمعتها, والناس بدأوا يرون أفعالها ووجهها القبيح ضد العراقيين..
لو خسرت الادارة الامريكية سمعتها امام الامريكيين, فهذه مصيبة طبعا , لكن المصيبة الأكبر هي خسارتها سمعتها امام العراقيين,
نحن نقول : ستنسحب الجيوش, آجلا ام عاجلا...
إنها مسألة وقت.....
قبل يومين زارنا أصدقاء من محافظة جنوبية في العراق, وتحدثنا كثيرا عن الاوضاع الحالية, وتوقعاتنا للإنتخابات والمستقبل...
وللأسف وجدتهم محبطين, ويرون ان لا أمل جديد في الإنتخابات القادمة, أميركا ستفرض علينا من تريده....فما جدوى التصويت ؟
واميركا جاءت بجيوشها لتحتل آبار النفط, حتى لو سحبت ثلث او نصف جنودها, ستظل جالسة في قواعد عسكرية داخل العراق...
ضحكت وقلت : الحمد لله نحن متفقين على فهم اميركا وغايتها من احتلال العراق
قالوا : ام رائد , كل الناس صارت تعرف ...
قلت الحمد لله مرة اخرى, إذن نحن نريد شيئا, ونعرف أن اميركا لا تريد الخروج من العراق, وستظل تراوغ وترواغ ...لكننا هل نتوقف عن دفعها للخروج؟
هل نقف سلبيا ونتفرج؟
قالوا : طبعا لا, لكننا نملك أملا بالتغيير بعد انقضاء الحكومة القادمة , يعني بعد 4 سنوات...
أما انا فضحكت وقلت : سأشارك في هذه الانتخابات , وسيكون ثمة أمل صغير بمجيء قادة أفضل للعراقيين , وطبعا أملنا أكبر بعد 4 سنوات , ان شاء الله....
وكلنا يعلم أن اميركا ستسحب جزءا من جيوشها , وستبقي جزءا داخل القواعد...
وستأتي شركاتها, هذه المرحلة الثانية من الاحتلال, هي احتلال الاقتصاد العراقي وتسييره حسب رغبات الشركات الأمريكية ومصالحها...
والله كلنا نعرف الفلم وتفاصيله, كأننا رأيناه من قبل....
لكننا نريد أن نعيش هذه التجربة, نريد ان نخرجهم من العراق, جيوشا وشركات...
نريد استقلالا كاملا غير منقوص...
لا نريد ان نعتدي على احد, لا نريد ان يعتدي علينا أحد ..
لا نريد ان نسرق ثروات احد, لا نريد احدا ان يسرق ثرواتنا...
بإختصار :
نحن شعب يحب العدالة والسلام....
ونرى أن هذه هي العدالة والسلام.....

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005
Good morning….
Yesterday, the Iraqi Concurrence Conference ended, (the government refused to call it a reconciliation conference, because that title implies there are some disagreements between the government and the opposition!).
Thank GOD it has ended with an announcement carrying a degree of agreement on major issues, like recognizing the legitimate resistance, rejecting the terrorist operations that target innocent civilians, the agreement on the will to build the Iraqi armed forces, scheduling the withdrawal of the occupation forces, releasing the detainees in the Iraqi prisons now, investigating the acts of torture in prisons, and ending the random raids on houses, unless by a judicial order….
This is an excellent step, we hope to GOD that all parties would be true to their pledges, that we shall see in the coming days, weeks, and months, a true change on the ground of reality, and security and settlement would start to show up in the land of Iraq….
What happened in Iraq after the occupation is, that the American administration acted, when dealing with the Iraqi reality, by dividing the people into three categories, which are its main components, then, arrange a program to deal with each category…
For the Shia'ats, who are the majority; the light was focused on religious leaders, most of them came from Iran, who had left Iraq because of a conflict with the Saddam Hussein regime, for he oppressed them, and assassinated a lot of their families. Those, regrettably, came back carrying feelings of hate, rancor, and the desire to revenge, they came with their militia, who started an assassination program, according to a long list containing hundreds of Iraqi names: Ba'athis, military men, doctors, head officials, and university professors. A lot of these operations were carried out, and they are still on…
And of course, these leaderships call the occupation forces: (The friendly Forces), because they came with them, and these forces enabled them to sit in the power seats, and are giving them protection and cover, every time, every where…
Regrettably, most Shia'ats leaderships stood in a blind, opportunist way to support the occupation of Iraq, and the hands of destruction and devastation stretched to everything in Iraq, but they became like the blind, seeing nothing but the fact that they sat on the chairs, and grasped the power; this is the only fact that makes them happy, as for the news of the assassinations, torture, prisons, detentions, and transgressions; they find these news are only rumors, and empty talk from the people who envy and oppose them, whom they usually call (the Ba'athi criminals). And even if the critic or opposition wasn't a Ba'athi, then he is probably a spiteful Sunnie, (and that is a new accusation). The important thing is; these leaders exuded a deformed mentality, and a lot of the ignorant, poor, and unemployed followed them, and joined the militia, acquiring a feeling of happiness and wellbeing, while others are starving.
This is how the mentality of our "faction", and the allegiance to it, began…
I mean; the society was compatible, and in agreement about the general attitude towards matters, towards Saddam, the former government, the war, and the occupation, but when people are divided into groups, some of which are beneficiaries, and some are deprived, hate would start, and the mentality of sectarianism, ethnicity, factionalism, and patronization would prevail, along with the other ugly features that would rip society apart, and push it towards a chasm, like what is happening now in Iraq…
The Kurds has long since had a local militia, and political leaders, and now, that militia became legal, and is used sometimes at the hard times of elections, in the provinces about which there is a conflict (which is the majority, Arabs, or Kurds?), so, these militia would be used to pressure the population, or terrorize them, to tamper with the election results, in provinces that form a critical, conflicting point (meaning-when there isn't a clear Arabic or Kurdish majority), like Karkook. But generally, the Kurds live in isolation in their regions in the north, and are somewhat far away from the conflicts of the middle and southern Iraq…
That leaves the Sunnies, most of whom were the ones the old regime used to resort to, to be the leaderships of the army, police, and security forces, not forgetting that the majority of the army and police were the poor Shia'ats, who are now being recalled to become members of the Shia'ats militia, tearing apart their authentic Iraqi identity, and distracting the direction of their loyalty…
The accusation of being loyal to the former regime has been directed to all cities and towns in which the Sunnies dwell, and the campaigns to oppress them, detain them, or kill them started, like what happened in Fallujah, as a start….then other towns followed, of Muslim-Sunnie majorities, until now…
These has been marginalized from the past election processes, and were targeted; for most raiding and searching campaigns took place against the Sunnies, and the charges of opposition, terrorism, and sheltering terrorists are stuck to them, as if the rest of the Iraqis are satisfied about what is happening in Iraq…
Some extremist formations started appearing, defending the Sunnies, and targeting the Shia'ats; civilians and government officials… the most important of these formations is that of Al-Zarqawi; the fool that devastated the land, with trapped cars in popular markets, or near mosques. We all shout to say: No Muslim is permitted to kill a fellow Muslim, no matter for what reason…
People began to believe that this Zarqawi is an imaginary tale, that those are the actions of organizations hostile to Islam and its intellect, and the executers of these attacks and the planters of bombs are criminals who hate Islam, and are destroying a Muslim people….
Story was spread that the Sunnies support these formations, and provide them with security and shelter, so the government and the occupation forces started targeting the Sunnie towns by bombings and raids…
If I was a Sunnie leader who wants the good for Iraq, I would have announced our innocence from those formations, and by that I would burn the card of sectarian hatred, directed from the Shia'ats leaderships, provoking people against the Sunnies and their leaderships, claiming the Sunnies are supporting terrorism, and thus fixing discord among the Iraqis….
Now, in the streets of Baghdad, the posters of the young men who were found in the torture cellar, most of them Sunnies, are spreading, and at the same time, the hospitals are full of the dead and wounded innocent Shia'ats civilians, by trapped cars that target them…..
No one approves of either this or that… these daily, mass killings of the innocent must stop…
And still, at the same time, there are some armed groups who target the occupation and its army, groups that we don't object at, or accuse them of something shameful…
These are the ones who formed a pressure card on the Bush government, after the number of dead American soldiers rose up to more than 2090 …
This is the legitimate resistance, which hastens the departure of the occupation….
This resistance should remain as a pressure card in the hands of the Iraqi politicians, to achieve the independence of Iraq…..
I know there is a faction of the new Iraqi politicians, who want the occupation to remain, to protect them. This is a sick, selfish faction that should be removed, and substituted by a faction that won't neglect the independence of Iraq, and the wholeness of its sovereignty……
Scheduling the withdrawal of the occupation from Iraq shall be the beginning to solve the mysterious, difficult problems, each of them in relation with the other.
First- the existence of the occupation, and its military operations, joined by Iraqi troops, creates hatred against the Iraqi army, people look at it with anger, and doubt its national loyalty, and that gives a justification for some to target the Iraqi army patrols, deeming it as an army of enemy agents.
So, the withdrawal of the occupation will remove this accusation and hatred against the Iraqi army… it will also remove the anger and hatred against the government, deeming it a traitor government backed by a traitor army, and doesn't have an independent vision for the welfare of its people….
Second- the presence of Shia'ats militia that target Sunnie citizens, arresting them, assassinating them, throwing them in prisons, or throwing their bodies on the streets, all this will justify the acts of killings and revenge against Shia'ats Iraqi civilians. So, disbanding these Shia'ats militias will bring on quietness and security stability, and reduce the sectarian hatred and anger created by these actions… because deformed formations like Al-Zarqwi's justify killing the Iraqi civilians as a revenge to the oppressed Iraqi Sunnies.
If I can only know who was the criminal who brought him on to us??
Third: vacating prisons and detention camps gives a feeling of comfort, security, and the well intentions of the government, eliminating stresses and anger on the Iraqi streets, and reducing the inflammation of the sectarian unrest, ignited by the actions of the Prime minister and the Interior minister (both of them is a Shia'at).
Oh, my GOD!
I am a Shia'at!
But I cannot be like those people, justifying the killings of poor Iraqis, locking up their young men in prisons, and torturing them…
What is the meaning of a Shia'at?
What is the meaning of this silly classification of people? Who came up with it?
Today, the word Shia'at came to mean: an ugly, backwards, opportunist person, his mind narrow, and his faith is deviated from Islam, because he justifies the presence of the occupier in the Muslim land, and because his priorities in life are to win his political rights, from which he was deprived for decades, and to bewail and cry upon Al-Hussein, and visit the graves of the Virtuous Imams, (=the kin of the Prophet), May peace be upon them, in all the occasions of their births and deaths.
Well then, what about the occupation?
What about the destruction that befell the country?
Isn’t the priority to drive the occupation out?
Isn’t the priority to defend Islam? Or are we from another world?
Unfortunately, this is the situation of thousands of ignorant people, who were deceived that the occupier came on to remove the oppression from them, and provide them with the freedom to perform the wailing rituals- merely an unorthodox heresy which filtrated into Islam, deforming its spirit, and its intent…..
But I do believe there are thousands of Shia'ats like me, who love Islam and Iraq, who resent this selfish, narrow mindedness, that tore off the nation and the religion.
My heart is sad for every Sunnie who gets hurt in Iraq.
And my heart is sad for every Shia'at who gets hurt in Iraq.
They are both Muslims, they are both Iraqis, they are both my kin, my people…
How can I abandon my kin and people?
How can I approve that their blood is shed, day and night?
These are the actions of criminals, who hate Iraq and its people, who want destruction and ruin for us…
We reaped nothing but destruction and ruin…..
And those in the government are babbling all day long about freedom, democracy, transparency, and some empty talk…
Whoever loves Iraq will unite the ranks of the Iraqis, and that will be that, that is the only guide in these pitch-black days...............
The elections are coming…
I hope new leaders will come, leaders who will present themselves as people who work for the good of Iraq, and the Iraqis…
I hope everyone who presents himself in a sectarian manner will fail…
Down with sectarianism… this poisonous snake which was sneaked into Iraq, to rip it apart, and separate its people…
By GOD, I can see the project of fragmentation in the new constitution…
And see the project of fragmentation in sectarianism…
I hope we would open our eyes, and move on carefully, checking all the ideas put before us, not be simple minded, or fooled, and wouldn't allow anyone to use us as tools to achieve their own personal interests…
We should choose calmly those whom we think shall do what's good for the future of Iraq, and the Iraqis….
We ask GOD to pull us all out of the darkness of ignorance and turmoil, into the light of knowledge and certainty…. To guide us all to do what is good for Iraq, and the Iraqis…..
Translated by May/Baghdad.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sunday, November 20th, 2005
Good evening…..
Yesterday, the meeting of the Iraqi opposition, with the present Iraqi government members, and the Iraqi Parties in alliance with it, who now hold power, started in Cairo.
The space channels broadcasted a part of the morning meetings, and announced there will be a closed session in the afternoon.
From this we know it shall be a suitable chance for clashes behind the doors, and it turned out later that whenever a party in the session got angry and went out to the corridors of the building, he was griped by the cameras and the media; as they lurk, almost dying of boredom from waiting outside the doors, and from curiosity, waiting for anyone to come out, so they could pounce upon him with cameras and microphones, as if he is the pray they are about to devour.
This is the nature of their career….
The important thing is-there are still some sessions going on till now, and sharp discussions, in side the halls…
And it seems we shouldn't be optimistic about a fruitful harvest, exactly like Amer Mousa predicted, in the opening session, because the atmosphere is that of charging the Other with what devastation is happening now in Iraq… and this means that everyone will accuse the other, and there won't be a calm, logical dialogue that goes beyond this stage.
It is natural now that this dialogue should take on this quality, because the factions are far off from each other, and like the saying goes- remoteness increases alienation…
And so, there are various view points…
The government men sit on top of the power in Iraq now, and say that the political and democratic process is moving positively in Iraq now.
And the opposition says: Then what brought you to the Cairo conference? And why are we here to debate with you, if everything was all right?
There is an arrogant governmental address, that wants to marginalize the Other, under the sign of- we are the ones who hold the power, we came by elections, and the people elected us…
And the opposition says: that election was deformed, and illegitimate…
One of the speakers yesterday was from the Iraqi Assyrians Front (Christians), who said in his speech that this government came by the aid of the occupiers, and enforced the deformed constitution upon the Iraqis…
The leaders of the Shia'ats coalition, who are joining in the present Iraqi government got angry and went out to the lounge, where they were caught by the nosy journalists, one said angrily he will not get into the hall again, and who is that nobody who is assaulting us, he must be a Ba'athi, we have been freedom fighters since 30 years, and now the people elected us, the constitution was voted on by the people, and agreed upon…so, that nobody had no right to criticize us, or assault us…
Then, his colleague came on, he was angry too, shaking, and said: how dare this man say that the Iraqi people are the agents of America, we wont allow anyone to attack the Iraqi people, the Iraqi people elected us, then voted for the constitution, these are rejected words, we didn't want to come, we do not trust in the intentions of the Arab League, and now, this one comes to assault us, we want to boycott the sessions, we do not want to participate…
(OH, how much can I smell arrogance, hypocrisy, and opportunism in their declarations?).
And then, a humble man, from one of the opposition Parties came on, and begged them, one by one, perhaps he told them: come on, fellows, don't make people laugh at us, don't create scandals, let's go in and settle the matter.
And the angry got into the Hall, and the doors were closed, once more…
It makes me sad, what I see and hear; it makes every Iraqi, or non-Iraqi, who loves Iraq, sad…
I can almost see that a group has assumed power in Iraq now, a group with mentalities none better than that of Saddam Hussein, in marginalizing and despising the Other, and giving the attributes of nobility and struggle only to themselves, and the rest are scum. I see that their love for themselves and their posts has dominated their thoughts, and created that tinge of arrogance on their faces…
They think of themselves as strugglers who deserve sitting on the power seats, to receive the price of their struggles in exile (Iran, England, and America).
Well then, what about the majority of the miserable Iraqi people, who suffered the oppression and injustice of the former and present governments, who suffered from the bad services, unemployment, the low income, the panic and bombings, the killing and wounding of their families and relatives, or their kidnappings and torturing in secret and public detaining centers, what have you done to all those since you got to power?
You put on elegant suits which you didn't own back in the exiles; in the times of struggle… you put on shiny Swiss watches, got into fancy cars, wrinkled your faces in arrogance, and sat on the chairs.
At the same time, what did the Iraqi citizen get from you??
Did you ever think of a way so that the Iraqi people should also get some luxury, as a price for their patience, struggles, and sacrifices?
A member of the government said yesterday on TV: The problem is that we want to turn over the page of the past, but there are others who do not want that, they want to bring back Al-Ba'ath, and the mass graves…
But I see that it is the other way round…
I think that the new government is the one who couldn't turn over the page of the past, and not the opposition, otherwise, what is the meaning of the acts of revenge and assassinations of the former government's men? What is the meaning of forming Militias that rake havoc, arrest the young men, and torture them?
Who's the one living in the complex of the past, the spirit of revenge, and the inability to turn over the pages of the past?
The present Iraqi government's men carry the same vocabulary, which they always repeat, as if someone made them memorize it, to become their repeated speech…
…We do not want the return of the Ba'athis and the mass graves, we do not want to put our hands into the hands of those terrorists whose hands were stained with the blood of Iraqis, (perhaps meaning by this the armed resistance against the occupiers, putting those in the same category of Al-Zarqwi's operations against the innocent Iraqis), we do not want the multi-national forces out of the country until a strong Iraqi army is formed (even though the money of the state and the Ministry of Defense has been robbed under the pretext of arming the Iraqi army, but the project isn't done till now).
Why is my heart indignant at them?
Because they are in a position of decision making, they could have improved the conditions of Iraq and the Iraqis, at least, they could have reduced the looting and robbery of the public funds, that is- if we shan't ask something difficult out of them, like providing security and services to the citizens…
But we find they gave privileges to themselves, and to their relatives, created militias around them to give them a sense of power, which they use sometimes to settle old scores (concerning the old pages they want to turn over), while they were supposed to be very eager to solve the problems of this country and its poor people, the people who were stepped upon by anyone who comes and goes, who were climbed over, unjustly treated, oppressed, their wealth robbed, and their sons tortured, or detained, or killed.
I don't know what the secret is?
From the Saddam government, to the occupying forces, to the interim Iraqi governments, or that which came after the disfigured elections; they all perform the same rituals, and master the new inventions, like the Abu ghareeb prison scandals, the white phosphor, and the secret cellar. Before that there were the mass graves, and GOD only knows what will come next with the days…..
How I hate hypocrite, opportunist governments, like these. When the officials talk about it and use sentences like: We speak in the name of the people, we came by the will of the people.
Well then, the question is: What have you given back to the people you brag that you represent? I mean; get even with your selves, how much privileges and entertainment you gave your selves compared to what you gave to the people in whose name you speak, the people you seized all the authority of tyranny and injustice in their names, all the authority of looting and plundering in their names…
Who consulted the people when you established the militia? Who consulted the people when you decided to make that militia the tools to strike against the people? Who consulted the people when you plundered the public funds?
Did the people tell you to walk on the steps of Saddam Hussein, and fill Iraq with new mass graves, prisons, and new detention camps for torture?
And you refuse the intervention of the United Nations to investigate, you shall investigate the injustice?
How can we trust you, and what is the proof of your integrity?
A hope remains for the Iraqis that there will be elections next month…
And we know that Those will pay all the money and efforts they can, to remain in power…
But we hope GOD will help us to change them, and to vote for new faces. I cannot recommend anyone, but we should try, perhaps the opposition people, to whose programs we listen as they promise to improve the conditions of the Iraqis, and to push the occupation out, perhaps it is time to try them, for maybe they will be true to their words…
If they were true to their words, we will remain with them, hand in hand, to continue the march…
But if they stall, we will pressure them, hoping they will commit to the program they promised us with… and time will pass anyway, 4 years of trial, after which we decide whether what we reaped was true, or false…
And this is a sample of the daily news in Baghdad, some are clear, but some needs explaining…
For example:
Five American soldiers were killed by explosive bombs. This is an understandable operation, and the Iraqi resistance is responsible for it…
Seven former Ba'ath members were killed. This is also understandable, and performed by militias belonging to the present government, to settle scores, and fold the pages of the happy past.
Thirty Iraqi soldiers and policemen were killed by a trapped car. This one is also understandable, perhaps carried out by someone angry from the involvement of those in the actions of detaining and torturing the Iraqis.
Twenty armed men were killed, at the ……….. village, by the American forces. This is also understandable…
Seventy Iraqis were killed by a trapped car, standing in a public market. Well then, who did this? And to what purpose?
Fifty Shia'ats were killed in a Shia'ats mosque, by a trapped car, or a bomb near the mosque. Who would do such a thing? And what's his purpose?
Forty Iraqis were killed in an explosion near a funeral pavilion of a Shia'ats tribe. What is the meaning of this? Who is the beneficiary?
I suggest the discussions would go on like this now, between the government side, and the opposition sides, for the people; the Iraqis and non-Iraqis want to know the answers to questions like these….
If the government thinks that everything is going on in the right direction, then what is the use of debating with her? And what is her explanation of the daily disasters the Iraqis are living through, day and night?
By GOD, our hearts are tearing with pain, our eyes are getting tired of crying at the sight of Iraqi women running, with or without a veil, after each bombing, wailing, and slapping their faces, at the sight of men crying, as they carry their dead children, at hospitals full with the scenes of blood, the dead, and the wounded, of their relatives crying and wailing beside them.
I wonder; who of the Iraqi officials, whether in the government or in the opposition, has the serious will and the successful program to stop the daily Iraqi bleeding?
And when will the members of the present Iraqi government bear the responsibility of this innocent blood that is being shed, without a reason?
Iraq became the land of hell, may GOD bring HIS wrath upon whoever joined in creating this hell, or overlooked its presence, and busied himself with silly, marginal matters, that are no good for the Iraqis…
I think that the first priority on the dialogue list should be: How to stop this daily Iraqi bleeding?
And after that, everything can be an issue that could be postponed……
Translated by May/Baghdad.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Saturday, November 19th , 2005
Good morning…
I want to continue talking about Islam…
Perhaps the westerners think we look at them in a racial way, or that we hate them, or such…
According to our faith, Islam is a religion which came for all nations… and the message of the Prophet Mohammad (May Peace be upon Him), came on to finish the mission of all the many Prophets and Messengers who came before him, the last of which were Moses, and Jesus…
In the Holy Quran, there are many verses who talk about this subject, like the beginning of the "Al'l Umran" Sura (=chapter) :
" GOD whom there are non but HIM, the ever Living, the Keeper, Who brought down the Book onto you, rightfully, in believing what HE has in hands, and brought down the Torah (the old testament) and the Bible (the new testament)….
Meaning- the Quran admits to the legitimacy of the Torah and the Bible… and doesn't deny or omit their presence…
And when the Prophet Mohammad (May Peace be upon Him) used to speak of the other Prophets, He says: My brother Moses, My Brother Jesus…
And the address of the Quran doesn't have sentences like: Listen, Oh Muslims…
But verses like this: Listen, People… or Listen, Oh Believers…
And that proves the generality of the address; it doesn't have a narrowness of vision in it…
I do not want to talk about more details, for there are some 200 web sites who talk about Islam; the worship, the rituals, the Holy Quran and its explanation, and the Sayings of the Prophet Mohammad (May Peace be upon Him).
This was announced by an Egyptian researcher for whom I read an article in a newspaper a month ago… he says he discovered some 10,000 web sites currently on the internet, which are hostile to Islam.
And a question brings itself: Why?
And who is responsible for creating those hostile websites?
Then there is the issue of Jihad in Islam, which is the most controversial and debatable issue…
In the west, especially Bush and his government, say Terrorism, a justification of Terrorism, and glorifying of Terrorism.
We say : Jihad, and glorify Jihad…
In Islam, Jihad has a certain definition, and a meaning…
As for Terrorism; it is an absurd act, which angers GOD….
Jihad is the nation's duty if that nation was subjected to aggression, like what happened during the Crusade wars; then, there was an Islamic state, a Caliphate, meaning- a center of the state, and that center was responsible for implementing the rules of religion as the clergy would advice, to the ruling Caliph…
By Jihad, and its glamour upon people, they kept on fighting for 200 years, until the Crusaders were out of the Kingdom of Jerusalem….
But where is the Islamic state now?
After the end of World War I, and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the entity called "the state of Islamic Caliphate" has ended, and the Arabic-Islamic states were divided into small countries, and dividing boarders were put to divide them from each other, like Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt,…..
The big Islamic state was disintegrated, then came the Siex-Beacue treaty in 1918 to divide the Islamic-Arabic homeland, turning it into colonies, some to Britain, and some to France, as for Libya, it was under the Italian colonization…
And the Arabic-Islamic countries suffered from the injustice of the colonization, and its cruelty…
And again by Jihad, A word that has a magical influence upon people, these countries were liberated, except for Palestine, after its people gave on thousands of martyrs; Algiers alone gave a million martyrs…
The word " Jihad" is a holy word for Muslims, its meaning connected with identity, and belonging, with rejecting the occupier, or the foreign imperialist…
The Mujahid sacrifices himself so that the others after him should live freely, with dignity…
That is the idea…
But the terrorist is a fiddling killer, who pays no attention to his life, or the lives of others….
The difference between him and a Mujahid, is like the difference between soil, and the highest star in heaven…
Today, the word " Jihad" became a poisonous, killing word in the west…
For they want to spread the idea that Jihad is Terrorism…
And when organizations like Al-Qai'ida, and leaders like Bin-Laden and Al-Dawa'ahiery appeared after the New York bombings; we do not know what their involvement is with these bombings, for most Muslims rejected this operation, because it doesn't express the mentality of Muslims, or their heritage; we have no violence in our mentalities, or in our heritage….

We believe in Jihad against whoever enters into our homelands, and occupies them… we do not support attacks on other countries, or killing civilians, even if the target was to destroy the economy of the enemy…
And these acts has done wrong to Islam, very much… it made the Islamic world enter into astonishment, confusion, and an endless debate about the legitimacy of such actions…
And we know that America, before the attack of September 2001, has been planning to confront Islam; for a book like "The Clash of Civilizations" by Huntington, a Professor in Harvard University, and one of the strategic thinkers in America, that book, published in1996, spoke of Islam as an oncoming enemy, stressing that the idea of a clash is coming, no doubt…
Then, came the New York bombings 2001, to verify what the author said, which raised the doubts of Muslims around the world about how much Al-Qai'ida was really involved in this matter?
And how much this organization really belongs to Muslims?
It has presented a deformed image of them, justifying the western offensive against them, and giving a reason to implement a long-term American plan to destroy the lands of Islam…

As a result, the feature of terrorism was glued to Islam, whether we liked it or not…
And we were kept thinking of how much Bin Laden loved Islam, how much is his wish to help the Muslims, and the avail of this clash with the west?
And the war on terrorism started, in Afghanistan, then Iraq, and of course, in Palestine, the ferocity of Israel increased, and now, the campaign on Syria started, and there is another campaign, of another kind, going on Iran…
This means that the Muslims are the losers since the New York bombings 2001, till now…..and our losses are greater than those of America, in the number of human casualties, and the destruction of our countries and economies…..
So, does Al-Qai'ida really work for the benefit of Islam, and the Muslims?
After the events of September 2001, the Muslims started feeling they were pressed into a war they didn't want to go through… and after the Bush administration decided to invest the situation for its benefit, they started threatening and menacing the Arab and Islamic countries, does that mean the solution is to give in to the oncoming fierce force?
Perhaps the answer of most of the Arabic regimes was: Yes, we give in, we have no other choice…

While Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Hizb-Al-Laah in Lebanon, all rejected the idea that Islam is terrorism, opposed America, and stood in her face…
So, what happened?
Afghanistan was bombed, the regime fell, and was exchanged with one docile to America…

Then the war started on Iraq; the whole state was destroyed, not only the government, but the army, the police force, and some ministries and state offices were disbanded, an American governor was appointed for Iraq, then, a governing council, chosen by the American governor, then, an interim government, in which the American government itself interfered, then, some deformed elections was held under the occupation, at the beginning of 2005.
At the same time, there were various resistance groups; some targeting the occupation forces and those who collaborate with them, and those are supported by the Iraqi people, who see them as the legitimate resistance…
and there are some who explode cars or bombs in a random way, killing civilians in mosques, streets, and public markets…., and the Iraqi people suspect those of being some CIA aids, because they want to defile the national Iraqi resistance, and deform the word "Jihad", and substitute it with the word Terrorism….
Meaning- after all these years, and the bitter harvest we reaped, it shows that the first, and last, beneficiaries of the New York bombings is the American administration; for she alone is taking the decisions, and dominating the world as she likes, as a cover up for the war on terrorism.
And of course, now the turn comes to Syria, and Hizb-Al-Laah in Lebanon, to be the next targets…
In the absence of an Islamic state, the clergy that can be trusted are also absent…
Now, in the Islamic countries, the clergy are appointed by the government, they speak within her horizon, like parrots, and there is a book by Ali Al-Wardiy, a well-known Iraqi writer, specialized in history and sociology, in which he calls them: The Preachers of Kings, meaning- they are a bunch of mercenaries who receive salaries, and say what satisfies the government, not what satisfies GOD and HIS Messenger, and those were who moved people away from the true spirit of Islam…
They exist now in most Arabic and Islamic countries, justifying the cowardice and feebleness of the Arabic and Islamic governments from helping the Palestinians, or the Iraqis, or the Syrians… because they fear the loss of their Seats of Power, so, let the nation, and Islam go to hell….
That is the limit of their thinking…
That is why the nation got astray between those, and an angry organization that has a sharp concept in dealing with the Muslim's troubles, like Al-Qai'ida organization…
People got confused between the hateful, frustrating weakness of the governments… and the violence of those who offend Islam, showing it in a foolish way; when they bomb and kill randomly, then justify this as good for Islam…
By this they trick people, and attract many factions of the miserable Arabic people, laden with sadness and anger for what is happening in Iraq and Palestine, and sometimes their sons become the fuel of these organizations with the mysterious aims and intentions, the suspicious organizations…

Take for example, the Amman hotel's explosions; it is just what America wants, so she came running, and condemned, cried, and wailed on the civilian victims, then started her pressures on the government to make some changes in the Council of notables and the army and police leaderships, and to take strict measures against terrorism, and whoever justifies it, and glorifies it… we understand what they mean…
They will write a law for fighting terrorism, and we expect it to be a reason to muzzle mouths, and to lower the ceiling of democracy and freedoms in the country, and the struggles of tens of years to improve the democracy and freedom in Jordan will go in vain…
Since the war on Iraq, a huge public sympathy was born in Jordan, with Iraq, the Iraqis, and the resistance against the occupation. And these explosions were to become a slap on the face for the Jordanian people, to confuse and astonish them, and change their feelings towards Iraq…
As a result we see: that these explosions landed for the benefit of America and her war against Islam…
In the Muslim's heritage, there is no glorification for the culture of killing and terrorism…
There is a glorification for the culture of death for the sake of liberating the homeland, and this is a culture that exists in every country in the world; Asia, Africa, and Europe….
There are a lot of international novels that glorify the star role of those who die to liberate their countries, or those who die in defending the oppressed, and their right in a free, honorable life… also we saw in the cinema long movies telling the life stories of heroes like Spartacus, who died to free the oppressed slaves in Rome… and "the Brave Heart" movie, starred by Mill Gibson , in which he played the Scottish hero against the British occupation…
We aren't sick people, or with pervert faith, to glorify who kills the innocent…
We are like other nations , we hate injustice and the foreign occupation, and think that fighting them is something that no two would disagree upon……
That is why people in Iraq and Jordan always suspect the presence of a formation headed by Al-Zarqawi, because he is specialized in dumb operations that insult Islam… and offend it…
So, they are either a bunch of fools and bandits, who think that Jihad is spilling people's blood… or they are a formation belonging to the CIA, and the Mosad… for it is destroying the reputation of Islam and Muslims, and is hurting them more than benefiting them…

I remember that the first operation carried out by Al-Zarqawi formation after the fall of Baghdad, was exploding a trapped car in front of the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad, killing tens of innocent Iraqis and Jordanians…
And we always say: where is the Jihad here?
Is he a lunatic man?
Or a CIA agent?
Or is he just an imaginary character, behind which the enemies of Muslims lurk; those who want us to give up Jihad… mixing – in purpose- between terrorism and Jihad, to deform the face of Jihad, and thus making people turn away from it…
In Iraq, the news brings in more scandals this week…
The American army admitted using the white phosphor gas against the residents of Fallujah last year, when they besieged her…
It burned people's skins, suffocated them, then eliminated their lives….
And a few days ago, they found a cellar of the Iraqi interior ministry, with detainees on whom there were marks of torture and beating…
The American forces refuse to have an international investigation in the matter, because the Iraqis no longer have faith in the honesty of the present Iraqi government.
Who will stop its transgressions?
Who will defend the unjustly treated in Iraq, or give them back their rights?
The local Human Rights Organizations in Iraq say: we presented 50 complaints to the government, about cases of torture, and human rights violation, and no one answered….
And we always say: This is happening in Iraq, but nobody believes…
People are fooled by the speeches of Bush, there, in America, and wherever Gondaliza Rice goes around the world, she boasts and quotes Iraq as the democracy model her country created in the Middle East…
And I do not know who the thick-head is: the one who believes them, or the one who writes their speeches?
I decided to take a look at the Al-Zarqawi letters on the internet sites, or those broadcasted by Al-Jazzera, and I thought: If this Al-Jazzera channel was in a place other than Qatar, where the American military headquarters is, from which Iraq was raided, I might have been able to believe it is a channel that loves Muslims, and defends them. But in most cases, I find she is putting poison inside the honey in their news, coming up with a news item that looks like a scandal against an Arabic government, but in truth it is to evoke disturbance and conflict between Arabs and Muslims, more than saying a truth that might benefit them…
Why do they adopt the tapes of Al-Zarqawi, Bin Laden, and Al-Dawahery? And adopt broadcasting the tapes of killings, and the organizations that harm Islam?
And why wouldn't the American troops attack the station, seize the tapes, and investigate from where did they come? Why wouldn't they give the $ 25 million to the person who brought the new Al-Zarqawi photo, so he would tell them his whereabouts?
But these tapes and imaginary internet sites are unconvincing stories at all.
A lot of people here say that these sites are nourished from Europe or America by new, almost–daily letters…
Well then, we all know that there, they have advanced technology to break through internet sites, and they can, for example, break through the Al-Qai'ida or Al-Zarqawi sites on the internet, and find out immediately who posted a letter or a speech; I mean, they will know the time and place, and if they want, they can arrest Al-Qai'ida group or Al-Zarqawi along time ago…

And I look at Al-Qai'ida speeches on Al-Jazzera, or on their web sites…
The speech is silly and naïve, containing extinct words like: The Crusaders, and the Infidels… as if its writer lives in the middle ages…
The speech had no deep and clear analysis of the present conflict between us and America at all, nor why she came on and targeted us? The speech doesn't tell us that we have the legitimacy to fight against the occupation forces…
They target America only because it is an infidel crusader?
What's this empty talk?
And the alleged apology letter to the Jordanian people, in which he said he didn't target the wedding party, but a conference room in which there was an intelligence officer…
Well then, a person who watches a hotel to make an explosion, didn't he see the wedding parties and the people in that hotel?
Then, he goes on and sends a dumb woman like this "Sajidah", who doesn't know how to use the explosive belt, so she runs away, and would be caught by the police a few days later?
What kind of a stupid, losing formation is this?
And again, why did the suicide bombers come from Iraq? Why weren't they Jordanians?
Unconvincing stories, as if making fools out of the Arabic-Muslim citizen, wanting to convey a lying, made-up message. The important thing in all this is to make Islam hateful, and slander the name of the Jihad against the occupiers in Iraq and Palestine….
Most people suspect the origins of these organizations, thinking they are puppets of America, doing what America wants, and achieving her goals.
First: the charge of terrorism will be stuck with Islam.
Second: the idea of Jihad against the enemy will be defiled.
Third: this will justify more the American dominance of the world countries, under the cover of fighting terrorism.
And this is what has been going on since the New York and London bombings.
And in Iraq, where the operations of killing the innocent Iraqi civilians in mosques and public markets go on, to provoke sectarian unrest, and distract people's minds so they wouldn't look at their real enemy in Iraq; the foreign occupation forces, on to the Amman bombings of the hotels and killing the innocent civilians; all these are absurd, stupid actions, spilling the Muslims' blood, spreading chaos among them, making them doubt their religion and faith, and defile the name of Islam all over the world…
Don't tell me these are conspiracy theories…
There are no more theories; this is reality, all our cities are security penetrated, the fingers of the American and Israeli intelligence are everywhere, especially in Iraq after the war…

And the result of all this chaos is: let the Arabic and Islamic people after all this mess be driven like sheep, eat-drink-and sleep, without interfering or protesting to what injustice is taking place in Iraq and Palestine, and these people could have some other activities, like watching songs and dancing, or the silly serials on TV, to kill the time…
And let the principals lead matters on….
And who are the principles on the lands of Muslims these days?
They are either governments that shake in fear from America, and do what they are told to do…. Or dumb, stupid formations that deform Islam, like Al-Qai'ida, exploding, killing, spilling blood, and raking havoc on earth, to bring on damnations and hate onto Islam ............... and this is exactly what America wants, for the results are in her favor…..
And away from these, there are real, honest, Muslim and Arab Mujahideen, whom America kills in Iraq, or detains them because they target her army, and kills them in Afghanistan or detains them, because they reject her existence. And there are Arabs and Muslims in Palestine whom Israel kills or detains because they refuse her injustice, and there are prisons in Arabic and Muslims countries, or others, filled with those who are against America and her injustice, supervised by the CIA, and every now and then, some human rights organization comes up with reports that would be published by the media against these prisons, but people read on, whisper, then go back to silence.

And in order not to be unfair, or far from reality, we all began to see a tide of honest clergy appearing in Iraq, those who are against the occupation, against the injustice, against detaining and torturing people.
Before the war, the traditional clergy were of the "Preachers of Kings" brand, who adulated Saddam Hussein, and shook of fear from him. And according to our religion, he was supposed to be the one to adulate them and seek their approval, that is; if they truly spoke in the name of Islam.
And thank GOD that after the war, more honest clergy appeared, more honest in their talk, and speech to people. And of course, the Iraqi prisons are full of those now, and they suffer the most severe torture, and injustice….
Although the scene is very dark, a lot of Muslims still believe this is a temporary situation, that victory will come no doubt, and the enemies of the nation will be defeated.
And by Jihad alone, they will be pushed out of the Muslim lands.
For however much they acted cunningly, and plotted conspiracies and fake stories to distract people, and deform the image of Islam ….the religion of Islam will be victorious against them, for GOD will not forget HIS religion……
Translated by May/Baghdad.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

الأحد 27 تشرين الثاني 2005
مساء الخير...
العراق على أبواب الإنتخابات البرلمانية في منتصف الشهر القادم..
وطبعا كل الأطراف تتنافس في كسب أصوات الناس من اجل الفوز بمقاعد اكثر..
هذه الإنتخابات تبدو اجواؤها أفضل من السابقة التي جرت بداية هذا العام..
رغم استمرار سوء الاحوال الأمنية, وسوء الخدمات, وسوء أداء الحكومة الحالية, فإن الناس متحمسون للمشاركة , لأنهم باتوا مقتنعين أن الإنتخابات هي سبيلهم الوحيد للخلاص من هذه الورطة ,
وهي الفرصة المناسبة لظهور قيادات عراقية جديدة أكثر وطنية, وأكثر صدقا ,
وأكثر ولاء للعراقيين, وأقل ولاء لأميركا والاحتلال
الأسماء التي في القوائم الآن صارت اكثر وضوحا, والبرامج كذلك لكل قائمة...
وهذه هي ايجابية الموقف الان,
ليس كما حصل في الإنتخابات المسلوقة التي جرت بداية العام 2005, حيث كان بوش يريدها ان تحدث بأي طريقة, ليضيفها الى مجموعة انجازاته الوهمية العظيمة في العراق
ونزلت وقتها قوائم لا نعرف غالبية اسمائها,
ولا نعرف برنامج أي قائمة, في الحقيقة ربما لم يكن هنالك برامج, تعالوا انتخبوا, والسلام
لذلك كانت هنالك نسبة كبيرة من العراقيين في الداخل والخارج, ممن قاطعوا الانتخابات لأنهم رأوها مجرد مهزلة لن تجلب أي خير للعراق, وعائلتنا كانت من اولئك الناس الذين رفضوا المشاركة ....
الان وبعد مرور أقل من سنة, الوضع تغير كثيرا في العراق...
والناس تفتحت عيونها, والمصائب التي تحدث يوميا صارت مواضيع قلق وتساؤل بالنسبة للعراقيين , وزادت عندهم القناعة, أن المصائب لن تحل الا بأيدي العراقيين انفسهم, لأنهم الخاسرون الوحيدون كل يوم, من أرواح وضحايا تموت , ومن أموال تسرق , ومن مستقبل غامض أسود.....
لن يغير المعادلة سوى العراقيون أنفسهم..
حتى أميركا التي تدعي أنها شنت الحرب من أجل العراقيين, تجد نفسها عاجزة عن مساعدتهم,
وتجد نفسها في مأزق تريد الخلاص منه بأي ثمن ...
وربما تريد برمجة سحب قواتها فعلا, ولكنها تخجل من إعلان ذلك, حتى لا يفسر أنه هزيمة......
على أية حال, الوقائع على الأرض تقول أن أميركا ستبرمج انسحابها في القريب العاجل ,
فهذا من مصلحتها , ومن مصلحة العراقيين بالتأكيد ......
لهذا فإننا نظن ان الصراع في الإنتخابات العراقية القادمة سيكون شديدا بين تيارين, تيار يرى في المحتل هو الصديق المحرر,الذي سيجلب الحرية والديمقراطية والمستقبل المشرق للعراق , والذين ينبغي أن يبقى حتى يتم تحقيق تلك الاحلام الوردية.....

وتيار يرى في المحتل سبب مصائب العراق من فساد الدولة, واستبداد الحكومة الحالية والسابقة المؤقته , لأنها من عناصر تؤيد الإحتلال, معنى هذا انه لن بفضح سلبياتها والمصائب التي تقترفها بحق العراقيين.....

وفي القوائم القادمة سنرى نوعين من المرشحين, نوع نعرفهم وجربناهم في حكومات سابقة بعد الحرب, وكان معظم اداءهم إن لم يكن كله, رديئا , فإما هم ضعفاء لا يقدرون على القيام بدور المدافع عن حقوق الشعب أمام المحتل, وتحقيق السيادة للعراق باتخاذ القرارات التي تعبر عن رغبة العراقيين الحقيقية مثل خروج المحتل من البلاد, وجمع شمل القوى الوطنية تحت مظلة واحدة, ووقف نزف الدم العراقي اليومي...
لم يطبقوا شيئا يوحي بحبهم وحرصهم على مصلحة الشعب أكثر من حبهم وحرصهم على البقاء في الكراسي...
لو كنت في وزارة عراقية, ورأيت أن الظلم والفساد منتشر, والقتل والإعتقالات والتعذيب مستمرة, فأفضل شيء أفعله هو تقديم استقالتي, وإخبار الناس عن اعتذاري عن المشاركة بهكذا حكومة لا تلبي أقل متطلبات الحياة الكريمة للعراقيين...
هذا هو الدليل الوحيد لمن يريد حقا إثبات أنه ضد ممارسات هذه الحكومات العراقية التي جاءت بعد الحرب, و جريمة اقترفتها أكثر من مرة , هو تجديد بقاء قوات الإحتلال دون استشارة الشعب العراقي
سيظل التاريخ يذكر هذه الحكومات والإسماء التي شاركت فيها, بأسوأ حكومات مرت على العراق في العصر الحديث...........
لا تحسن في الخدمات, ولا في الحالة المعيشية, ولا ايجاد حلول للبطالة, ولا ايقاف نزيف الدماء في الشوارع, ولا نزيف الأموال العامة التي نهبت من خزينة الدولة , ولا حفظ لحقوق الإنسان وكرامته , ولا تفريغ السجون والمعتقلات , وفي نفس الوقت تتواطأ مع الإحتلال وتخطط لبقائه, وفي نفس الوقت تحاكم صدام حسين,
طيب شوفوا أنفسكم ماذا قدمتم للعراقيين ؟
هل كنتم النموذج الأكثر تطورا عنه؟
لا أظن....
لكنهم ربما يستخدمون ورقة محاكمة صدام حسين كإنجاز عظيم يحمدون عليه, ويظنون أن هذا سيرفع أسهمهم أمام الشعب العراقي...
وأقول, لو قدموا خدمات وقللوا الكوارث اليومية والسرقات, نعم, ربما سيرى الشعب في محاكمة صدام إنجازا ايجابيا...
لكن وسط هذه الفوضى وهذا الدمار, تأتي المحاكمة كمهزلة اخرى تضاف الى مسلسل الفوضى وضياع معاني الأشياء في العراق...
يعني هل هذه المحاكمة هي رمز للعدالة؟
أين هي العدالة في العراق بعد الحرب ؟
من يطبق العدالة؟ الجيش الأمريكي والمداهمات والاعتقالات وقصف المدن وقتل الناس بطريقة عشوائية؟
أم وزارة الداخلية العراقية ومسلسل الإعتقالات والاغتيالات ؟
أم مليشيا الأحزاب الطائفية التي تلعب في الساحة والتي تدعمها الدولة , ولا أحد يوقفها أو يتحمل مسؤولية جرائمها....
أين هي العدالة في العراق؟
لقد ضاعت معاني الأسماء الجميلة مثل الحرية, الديمقراطية, العدالة, الشفافية,...
صار الناس يكرهون هذه المصطلحات, ويستهزؤون من الذين يتكلمون عنها,
لأنها صارت في العراق, فصولا سوداء اللون من مسرحية هزلية سخيفة
ضاعت معاني الاشياء, بل فقدت قيمتها....
لذلك عندما نسمع خطابات بوش, نغرق في الضحك, ونقول : أنظروا لهذا الرجل , في أي عالم يعيش ؟
اليوم ( الاثنين )رأيت في الصباح جزءا من محاكمة صدام
وفي المساء رأيت تقريرا عن مظاهرات في مدينة الدجيل والناس
يطالبون باعدام صدام لأن الضحايا من مدينتهم
ورأيت الناس يرفعون صور مرجعيات دينية,
ويهتفون لهم
وثمة اناس يصرخون بمكبرات الصوت
ما معناه انتخبونا لأننا ندافع عن حقوقكم
الان فهمت ما معنى توقيت المحاكمة
ثمة من ينتظر مكاسب انتخابية من ورائها
يبدو أن الذين يعملون لخدمة الناس ولوجه الله
قد انقرضوا من هذه الدنيا
صارت المصالح هي اللغة المتعارف عليها
عندك مشكلة؟
عندي مصلحة معك؟
نعم أحل مشكلتك واستفيد
يعني أعمل دعاية لنفسي
, يا أيها الجماهير , أناالمدافع عن العدالة وحامي حمى الضعفاء والمساكين
فانتخبوني !
نعم, يبدو أن هذه فرصة ثمينة لهؤلاء الإنتهازيين
وما أكثرهم في عراق اليوم ....

الأن نرى الدعايات الإنتخابية...
توجد قوى معارضة لم تشارك في الإنتخابات السابقة, تشد همتها الآن لتعويض ما فاتها, هذه القوى سمعتها حاليا انظف من سمعة الذين شاركوا سابقا , والذين تلطخت سمعتهم بأفعال انتهازية او متواطئة مع الإحتلال, او تلوثت يديها بسرقة الأموال, أو قتل العراقين او تعذيبهم...
أنا شخصيا أتمنى أن يكونوا فعلا اكثر صدقا وشفافية ووطنية من الفئة التي جربناها سابقا , وتسلمت السلطة , واستغلت مناصبها لأذية الناس أكثر من منفعتهم...
مع ان عالم السياسية عادة هو عالم غير جميل...
هكذا نرى من تجاربنا على أرض الواقع , ومن قصص يرويها التاريخ ...
فمعظم الذين يدخلون عالم السياسة , يتعلمون وسائل غير مشروعة لمخاطبة الناس وخداعهم كالمراوغة , والتحايل, والكذب, وتزييف الحقيقة او قول نصف القصة, وإخفاء النصف الاخر, كما يفعل معظم القادة السياسيون في العالم, ربما هم يعتبرونها ذكاء وشطارة, بينما الناس يرونها تخلي عن المباديء , ويعتبرونها تصرفات تسحب الثقة من تلك القيادات
ولكننا نأمل ان تكون هذه الفئة الجديدة هم من الذين لا تغيرهم المناصب ومغريات السلطة
وأن يحققوا أماني الشعب العراقي من حرية واستقلال وتحسين مستوى المعيشة ووقف نزيف الدماء ووقف سرقة المال العام, وغيرها من مطالب في قائمة طويلة....
وتوجد قوى شاركت في الحكومات العراقية بعد الحرب, تتأهب لخوض الإنتخابات ثانية, وهذه وضعها قلق , لأن الناس يشكون بأنها تستحق فرصة ثانية , فقد قدمت اداءا سيئا عندما أعطيت الفرصة لتكون صاحبة القرار
هؤلاء الآن عندهم المال الكثير الذي ممكن ان يستغلوه لإغراء الناس أو رشوتهم , لإنتخابهم
ورغم تحذيرات المفوضية العليا للإنتخابات من عدم جواز تقديم هدايا او أموال للناس لإغرائهم بانتخاب قائمة معينة, فقد رأيت تقريرا في احدى محطات التلفزيون للمعارضة العراقية, وكان فيه لقاءات مع نساء من عوائل فقيرة يحضرن مهرجان أقامه حزب إياد علاوي في النجف , ووزعوا هدايا للعوائل الفقيرة...
ضحكت وتعجبت وتساءلت : ألم تقم قوات الإحتلال بقصف مدينة النجف عندما كان علاوي رئيسا للوزراء ؟
والان يقوم بتوزيع الهدايا على الفقراء ليحبوه وينتخبوه ؟
والله أمر هؤلاء القادة السياسيين محير...
هل يظنون الناس اغبياء؟
والآن , توجد تصريحات نارية لأياد علاوي ضد الاحتلال وسياسات الإحتلال في العراق...
وكذلك غيره من قيادات احزاب ربما كانوا صامتين سابقا, او متواطئين مع الإحتلال, لكنهم اليوم متحمسين وشجعان ويقولون انهم سيدافعون عن حقوق العراقيين خير دفاع إذا استلموا السلطة
سبحان مغير الأحوال...
هل نثق بقادة مثل هؤلاء, ونعطيهم الفرصة من جديد ؟
لا أدري ....
لكن تراثنا يقول : لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين
وموضوع المرأة طبعا الآن هو من القضايا الساخنة قبل الانتخابات ..
هذه ظاهرة ايجابية...
كل حزب عنده مجموعة نسائية ولها برامج تخص المرأة وتطوير مستواها الثقافي وتحسين حالتها المعيشية او مساعدتها لإطلاق سراح ابنها او زوجها او اخيها او أبيها , والحمد لله فهذه من ثقافة الاحتلال, أن دخلت الى حياتنا هذه المصطلحات , لجان حقوق الإنسان و الدفاع عن المعتقلين في سجون الدولة او في سجون الاحتلال , في بغداد او غيرها من مدن العراق
وكذلك ظهرت منظمات مدنية غير حكومية للدفاع عن النساء العراقيات المعتقلات في سجون الاحتلال
على أية حال , أدعو الله أن تكون الإنتخابات العراقية القادمة هي حقا عملية تجري لخير العراقيين, وأدعو الله ان لا يتلاعب أحد بنتائج الإنتخابات , وأن تكون النتيجة حقيقية ومعبرة عن رغبة العراقيين في صناعة مستقبل العراق بالطريقة التي نريدها ا , دون تدخل أيد غريبة من الشرق أو الغرب, ودون ظلم أي فئة من الشعب العراقي أو حرمانها من التعبير عن رأيها بما فيه الخير للبلاد
أدعو الله ان يوحد صفوف العراقيين, وأن يقوي صوت العقل فيهم...
وأن يهزم كل صوت يريد خداعهم و تفرقتهم أو يجعلهم أعداء بعض....
وان تكون أول نتيجة يحصدها العراقيون من هذه الإنتخابات هو وقف نزيف الدم العراقي, وعودة الهدوء والأمان للبلاد, وبعد هذا يمكن التفكير بتحقيق المطالب الأخرى .......
أما عني وعائلتي , فسنشارك ان شاء الله في الإنتخابات ,
وسنختار القائمة التي نظنها بلا تاريخ أسود, وفيها أقل ما يمكن من أسماء لرموز انتهازية ,
لأنني أظن أنه لن تكون هنالك قائمة من مجموعة ملائكة.....
وسنراقب عمل رموز القائمة بعد الإنتخابات إن فازت, إن كان عملهم حقا كما وعدوا, سندعمهم ونشجعهم...
وإن إكتشفنا أنها كاذبون ومراوغون وكانوا يريدون الوصول فقط للكراسي , فسنكون من أوائل الناس الذين ينتقدونهم , ويطلبون منهم تصحيح المسار, والوفاء بالوعود...

وبعد 4 سنوات, سنرى ثانية أن وعينا قد إزداد, وهذه التجربة قد أفرزت قادة جدد , منهم من نستطيع الإعتماد عليه وإعادة انتخابه...ومنهم من يجعلنا نقول : التوبة , لن نكون مغفلين مرة أخرى ونختار هذا الشخص !

هذه هي العملية الإنتخابية عادة , وهذه هي نتائجها المتوقعة ...
لذلك ينبغي علينا جميعا , رجالا ونساء, التفكير بعمق قبل القرار من سنختار ؟
لأن هذه العملية ستحدد مصير العراق لفترة قادمة ...
حيث أننا سنسلم قيادة العراق بأيدي مجموعة ينبغي أن نكون واثقين أنها ستحسن حمل الأمانة التي في عنقها , أو المسؤولية التي أمامها ...

ولن نكون مغفلين او حالمين, ونظن أن العراق سيصبح جنة وسعادة بعد نهاية الإنتخابات ....
أمامنا جميعا طريق طويل من أجل إعادة بناء العراق , ومستقبله...
ونسأل الله ان يهدينا جميعا لنعمل ما فيه الخير للعراق والعراقيين ...

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