Thursday, August 11, 2005

Good morning..
I really appreciate the efforts of this group of people to stop war on Iraq and withdraw the troops of occupation .
we hope this efforts will work.
and we hope Iraqi people can move like this, but as you all can see what horrible conditions are there in iraq, who can go out to demonstrate asking the troops to go out of iraq?
bombing and violence and bloodshed, are the daily life vocabularies in iraq, besides the lack of water ,electricity , security and human rights.
so, how could the people express their feelings and reactions about what is going on in iraq?
thanks for the good American people and others who are moving to give help for iraqis , and trying to stop this ugly war, which have been started with false reasons, and yet, trying to justify the existance of occupation , who are planning to stay there may be forever , under the banner of (fighting terrorism and nuclear weapons).

Dear Colleagues,
You may be aware that Cindy Sheehan, co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace – an organization made up of families who have lost family members to the Iraq war, is staging a one-woman protest outside President Bush’s ranch while he vacations in Crawford, Texas. Cindy, whose 24 year-old son Casey died in Iraq, plans to camp outside until the President agrees to meet with her to discuss his reasons for the war. Cindy has been a vocal supporter of Eyes Wide Open, traveling across the country to speak at area events. In January, she joined AFSC’s pre-Presidential inauguration vigil in Washington and helped counter the negative criticism the exhibition received from some military families in Dallas earlier this year. Now, here’s our chance to support this courageous woman who has done so much to call attention to the horrors of the Iraq War.
Marq Anderson, the Eyes Wide Open national tour manager, has been in touch with Cindy. He and the other staff working on Eyes Wide Open ask that you encourage people on your email lists to contact local media outlets on behalf of Cindy. Letters to the editor and calls to local radio talk shows are particularly useful. Two model letters follow below as does a link to a CNN story on Cindy and a link to the piece that she wrote about EWO in February. Secretaries Rice and Rumsfeld will be in Crawford on Thursday to meet with the President. There has been speculation that the Administration may try to have Cindy and her growing number of supporters removed to avoid further embarrassment. The more press we can generate, the less likely the Administration will be to interfere with Cindy’s witness. Please help us keep the momentum alive by asking your program contacts to call the media. I know that this is the height of vacation season and that many programs and offices are short-staffed right now, but what ever you can do to get the word out about Cindy will be a big help. We have been in touch with the Austin Office, and with area Quakers and EWO volunteers to help organize support for Cindy. A caravan will be leaving from Dallas at noon tomorrow. Celeste Zapala and Bill Mitchell, also of Gold Star Families are planning to go to Crawford to be with Cindy. My thanks for you support,
Kitty Hsu DanaOn Behalf of the Eyes Wide Open Team

Model Letter 1
I would like to add my voice of support for Cindy Sheehan, who is demanding that President Bush explain his reasons for sending our troops to war with Iraq. One by one the stated reasons we rushed to war have been debunked, refuted or proven to be false. Yet, each day more and more people are dying in Iraq. When young men and women join the armed forces, they promise to put their lives on the line to defend our country. We, in turn, have an obligation to be sure that when we put our troops in harm's way, the threat is real. No more lives should be given to the Iraq war.

Model Letter 2
Hats off to Cindy Sheehan for calling attention to the growing number of lives lost unnecessarily as a result of our decision to invade Iraq. We need more people, like Cindy, to speak out. The American people must be made aware of the devastating toll and loss of life that this war is taking on both sides. The Administration likes to say our soldiers "gave the ultimate sacrifice." But the reality is that the lives lost are irreplaceable. Each soldier who dies is much more than a mere statistic. They are someone’s husband or wife, son or daughter.

CNN Story on Cindy’s Protest

Cindy’s Article on Eyes Wide open

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